Pipe down, child. Being a manager of 7/11 is a strain on your mother. The last thing she needs are the fits of rage you have at the house and on the internet.
Sav. Why should we both miss out on some good sex? I'll use Rose for practice but after that, I will be ready for you. Surely the trailer park you are in has a swimming pool where you can lose your virginity. Face it. No guy wants you. But don't worry. I will lower my standards just for you.
The dogpile is crazy. Kicking a poor girl down while she struggles staying on top of things. The last I could remember, Kaine & Dustin are on the brink of cirrhosis of the liver. Kicking them wouldn't be nice but making them tremble is a generous thing I'm doing.
I accepted the fact Rose is a lesbian a long time ago. Her ex boyfriend was black. Would abuse her. Her dad almost killed the guy if it wasn't for the distance between him and her house. Kaine is a sexually confused person that can't get over the fact he can't put a stamp on some ass. Last month I had sex with a girl that adored the outdoors. This month I'm reminding myself how unfuckable Kaine & Dustin are. Rose did say to me one time if she ever liked dick again, I'm the first in line so seethe fags.
@Timepace is so caught up with another womens life, she forgot how to play the drums.
@Pepsi Man is a dork. Everytime you message him on discord, he replies like a try hard with reddit language. Simply, I'm not trying to derail the thread but please make the thread make sense. Please get off of Vrchat and help your mother with the chores.
Wanna hear a joke?
Kaine walks into a bar. I'm sitting at the bar. Kaine greets me. I do the same to him. We get on to talk about the news. He then says "You hear about that guy who claimed to be one of the sperm of a donor. Yeah, he showed up to the donors house". I reply "huh, no I didn't". Kaine continues. "Yeah crazy shit, the donor had all of this money too, the guy showing up to his house was probably trying to get some of the old mans money I guess." He then picks up his glass, takes a gulp, then places it down, then says. "So, what do you do for a living? I noticed your care while you were walking in".
I then get up and tell Kaine to have a nice day, and then I leave.
Wanna hear a joke?
What's the difference between a town and
@Timepace ?
With a town, if a storm happens, you can clean it up, with
@Timepace , well should I say anymore?
Wanna hear a joke?
What do you get when I get married to Katelyn? A beautiful daughter hopefully. But also a loving family that wouldn't have a parent walk out on their child regardless of the gender.
Thank you.
Give me a round of appluase.