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Conspiracy Theories that turned out true.

I still have not seen any evidence whatsoever proving that aliens are real. I have not seen any evidence suggesting that any unidentified aircraft noticed here on earth came from outer space. I have not seen any explanation for how 8000+ orbiting satellites, that can literally locate a fucking needle in a haystack here on earth, would've missed anything passing by.
I don't believe in intelligent aliens either and all the proof I've seen is just cleverly worded non-statements.

That said it is incredibly funny to me I had a friend spend literal weeks trying to get me to say: "Yes aliens might exist."
Only for him to immediately turn around and tell me the government is smoke-screening politics right now by with fake news about aliens being real.
I don't believe in intelligent aliens either and all the proof I've seen is just cleverly worded non-statements.

That said it is incredibly funny to me I had a friend spend literal weeks trying to get me to say: "Yes aliens might exist."
Only for him to immediately turn around and tell me the government is smoke-screening politics right now by with fake news about aliens being real.
Is that what she was sperging about? I quit reading after the first thing she did was go straight for the ad hominem despite not being able to critically think herself enough to even understand jokes. If she thinks that i was saying alien space ships are real she is strawmanning and gaslighting being purposely disingenuous or has terrible reading comprehension. I only said the odds are there is life outside our planet, not that it visits our planet in ufos. If our planet can spawn it with suitable conditions then others can and probably have. That being said the odds of them being able to reach us are as low as the odds of them existing elsewhere is high. So life can't reach us let alone detect us for multiple tl dr reasons.

Tl dr life exists outside earth but it doesn't mean they visit us in space ships so @The Gays From LA needs to quit being retarded and misrepresenting what i say when she can't even grasp the nuances of online sarcasm.
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This statement shows me that you're unfamiliar with critical thinking and are hence drawn to "conspiracy theories". The idea is not come up with some crazy theory and then wait for it to come true so you can say "told you so". That's the very definition of confirmation bias. The conspiracy theory field is full of confirmation bias. Critical thinking isn't about confirming what you're already thinking, it's about aggressively debating and debunking your thoughts to see what truly stands the test of criticism.

If your definition of conspiracy theory is "elites conspiring to maintain and cement their power", then yes, there are many known and unknown "conspiracy theories" pointing to such scheming and maneuvering on the part of the elite. If your definition of conspiracy theory is confirmation bias, ie, "just come up with some crazy outrageous shit and then work yourself towards the conclusion that it must be true while ignoring all evidence to the contrary", then no, I aggressively oppose such conspiracy theories. It usually means the latter in this day and age.

Here's the thing though: how is the idea that government hides shit empowering to you personally? Do you feel empowered to expose those secrets? Do you feel like you're special because you're in on some Big Secret that most people know nothing about? But then, what happens after you've exposed some paper tiger? Do you expect people to get outraged? Do you expect anything to change? There have been many many leaks in my lifetime, and none of them have resulted in the government relenting power. If anything, they made the government double down on their secrets and protect them even more. Do you ever stop to think where this game of hide-and-seek eventually leads to? Does it make people feel more empowered to change things, or does it make them apathetic, thinking: "Well, we can't change anything, most of our lives are decided in secret by cadres behind closed doors."? I mostly feel that conspiracy theories are meant to make feel powerless and disenfranchised, like nothing can be changed.

There are no aliens, period. It's a psyops to distract the general public from what's really happening, it's meant to make the government seem open and transparent while revealing nothing at all, and it's also meant to make "space wars" seem cool and worth pursuing. If NASA were to come out and say: "Let's put more space stations out there so we can nuke Russia better/moar and assure MAD", no one would support space wars. But if NASA says: "Let's put more space stations so we can catch the aliens visiting us and say hi", all of a sudden people support putting more space stations out there. You're being played and you don't even notice how.

I bet no one in NASA or the JPL truly believes in aliens and just chuckles to themselves whenever these "leaks" or "commission hearings" come out. If you've seen/read Dune you know how the Witches deliberately plant mass-superstitions to manipulate people. That's what this cult of the alien is.

"UFO" does not imply "alien". It simply means an aircraft that the US hasn't identified before. It could be some experimental shit that the Russians or Chinese are testing that the US hasn't seen yet. Unidentified experimental aircraft might have been a thing before the 1970s, ie, before the widespread use of satellites orbiting the earth, but do you really think that TODAY there can be any aircraft out there that the US hasn't noticed? That's bullshit on the face of it. There are 8000+ sats orbiting the earth right now. It's impossible to have an aircraft that isn't noticed and traced by any number of them.

I still have not seen any evidence whatsoever proving that aliens are real. I have not seen any evidence suggesting that any unidentified aircraft noticed here on earth came from outer space. I have not seen any explanation for how 8000+ orbiting satellites, that can literally locate a fucking needle in a haystack here on earth, would've missed anything passing by.

I don't believe anyone has visited us. No one is going to visit a planet that's literally a flying garbage dump like ours where superstitious monkeys still engage in irrational self-destruction. If there is someone out there, I hope for their sake and ours that they are going out of their way to avoid us and hide from us so we never see them, because if they've studied us, they must know that the monkeys that populate this planet will lose their fucking minds even more than they already have if aliens were to reveal themselves to us.

If any aliens are reading this: look at Africa, look at Ukraine, look at who's populating this planet. A greedy, murderous race of crazy monkeys who are willing to kill massive amounts of each other just for the sake of some fermented dinosaur juice. Do not come here and do not talk to us, ever. If for some reason you have mastered deep space travel, there have to be some better, more pristine and peaceful planets you can visit instead of this floating war-mongering trash dump.

nigga this is some doomer shit. if sapient aliens exist then they'll be similar to us where they struggle with conflict and problems they created thanks to their inherent nature. There is no reason whatsoever to put the possibility of aliens on a pedestal like this except to satisfy yourself on masturbatory fantasies about how terribad humans are.

Humanity is a mixed bag but we try to help each other when we can. God wants us to be united under Christ and to be saved. He wouldn't want that if we were inherently worthless.
Critical thinking you say? If we humans, and fuck load of other life forms, can exist on a rock revolving around a star, a star in an universe with trillions of stars, the chances there being "alien" life are highly probable.

And that's how you think critically.
This lmfao

nigga this is some doomer shit. if sapient aliens exist then they'll be similar to us where they struggle with conflict and problems they created thanks to their inherent nature. There is no reason whatsoever to put the possibility of aliens on a pedestal like this except to satisfy yourself on masturbatory fantasies about how terribad humans are.

Humanity is a mixed bag but we try to help each other when we can. God wants us to be united under Christ and to be saved. He wouldn't want that if we were inherently worthless.
I didn't read anything except small quotes because i realized she didn't bother reading or interpreting anything i said after the first line. It's not even worth my time when other members have already had to explain jokes to her multiple times.
nigga this is some doomer shit.

So what? And what does religion have to do with aliens? You really think that if there was an alien race out there, and they were looking at us through a telescope right now, they were seeing us on our best behaviour, literally on the verge of WW3? Come the fuck on. Human hubris and the need for external validation literally has no bounds, humans will literally reach into depths of endless nothingness to find that validation they so desperately crave. This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with human arrogance, hubris and ego. Humans really need to humble their asses if they think they and their floating trash dump is such a great catch for any aliens flying by.

I don't want to argue endlessly on the topic of conspiracy theories, it's a waste of my time. Let's just agree to disagree and move on. I don't think there are aliens, and if there are, I don't think they're like Bald and Bankrupt to visit this floating trash dump "just because, reasons". ("There Is A Planet No One Wants To Visit - Find Out Why You Should")
I'm going to have the last word because I've been wanting to scream this for so long.

Aliens don't exist, I don't care how much you want to have sexual intercourse with them: They don't fucking exist.
Stop arguing about aliens. I don't care how much you want to smash the Aussy, or whatever you want to call it.
Stop shilling your alien fan-fiction about how you got fucked in the ass literally and then thrown into a ditch while you're still fucked stupid.
I don't care about your borderline-bestiality fetish. I hate aliens so fucking much.

I hate alien discussions: Every discussion I've seen, if carried on long enough, will eventually lead to aliens.
I hate aliens in sci-fi, I hate everything about aliens. Alien that, alien this. Aliens helped us with pyramids and aliens gave us intelligence. Can an alien give me a single fuck to actually care about your stupid paradoxes like the Fermi Paradox?

I hate aliens.
So what? And what does religion have to do with aliens? You really think that if there was an alien race out there, and they were looking at us through a telescope right now, they were seeing us on our best behaviour, literally on the verge of WW3? Come the fuck on. Human hubris and the need for external validation literally has no bounds, humans will literally reach into depths of endless nothingness to find that validation they so desperately crave. This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with human arrogance, hubris and ego. Humans really need to humble their asses if they think they and their floating trash dump is such a great catch for any aliens flying by.

I don't want to argue endlessly on the topic of conspiracy theories, it's a waste of my time. Let's just agree to disagree and move on. I don't think there are aliens, and if there are, I don't think they're like Bald and Bankrupt to visit this floating trash dump "just because, reasons". ("There Is A Planet No One Wants To Visit - Find Out Why You Should")

You are being uncharacteristically gay about this but okay

I'm listening to old Art Bell episodes thanks to the power of piracy, anyone else remember him? I love old radio.
You really think that if there was an alien race out there, and they were looking at us through a telescope right now, they were seeing us on our best behaviour, literally on the verge of WW3?...
...Humans really need to humble their asses if they think they and their floating trash dump is such a great catch for any aliens flying by...
No one but you is saying this scizo shit. This is what you call gaslighting a strawman. You are creating a fake argument to attack while pretending this is what we are saying. Seems like a cope because you can't address any actual points people here are making so resort to try hard pseudo intellectual and disingenuous bullshit. You couldn't disproven life on other planets because it was already proven we contaminated mars with the rover and it exists there which qualifies as life on other planets. Life on our planet could have come from a cosmic impact that brought it here in the first place. Alien life doesn't mean ufos and ufos don't mean aliens.
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I had this idea while I was out drinking, and wanted to share it.
When this whole AI thing started happening there was a conspiracy theory that it eventually lead to an internet where you must identify yourself, because of deepfakes.
I don't have any particular examples but I assume everyone has heard of this idea.

I've always been critical of this idea because in the past it's been objectively more true, in fact people have done it to fuck with people.
Here's a hypothetical: Imagine a psychopath grabs someone's unique username and signs up on E621, he favorites a few things he knows they like and then favorites some more objectionable imagery and walks away. Someone else would find it years later, and that's enough proof for most people.

People are gullible: You tell them X, and they will believe X. At a certain point even denial is proof for people. (It's why the best advice is literally to do nothing and just keep doing what you were doing originally, ignoring it.)
So I don't think AI itself would eventually lead to a digital id because of deepfakes but instead I think if it ever does happen it's because general public is only getting dumber from my perspective.
There could be simple life on this planet 120 light years away since it meets several conditions. But it would certainly be locked to its planet and the data observed was 120 years old due to distance. Again, this doesn't mean they visit us or that we could ever hope to reach it if it did host life. It probably wouldn't even be intelligent life either, just basic organisms and alien animals. It's a water world so there could be terrifying creatures in the water since we have and had some pretty scary things that in our oceans ourselves. Or it could still be basic single cell organisms.
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There could be simple life on this planet...
I am being serious. Please stop talking about aliens.

You know what? I think Aliens are the ultimate psy-op.
I could talk about how the FBI literally ran an illegal porn website and improved it to catch more criminals, basically committing crimes again.
Putting into question the law itself. I could talk about civil liberties being ruined every day, I could talk about how more and more people are moving from state laws to federal laws which was the very thing America sought not to do.

But all of that will just be rendered useless because every discussion eventually brings up Aliens.
I am being serious. Please stop talking about aliens.

You know what? I think Aliens are the ultimate psy-op.
I could talk about how the FBI literally ran an illegal porn website and improved it to catch more criminals, basically committing crimes again.
Putting into question the law itself. I could talk about civil liberties being ruined every day, I could talk about how more and more people are moving from state laws to federal laws which was the very thing America sought not to do.

But all of that will just be rendered useless because every discussion eventually brings up Aliens.
Get some help scizo. Aliens don't mean they visit us. You're protesting too much. It's narcissistic to think humans are the only life in the universe. The fact you instantly go to this means you need to touch some grass. There is life on mars. We contaminated it. We have launched a car into space and it has been proven many bacteria can survive in space. Therefore just from human actions alone there is 100% life outside of earth which qualifies as extra terrestrial life. It doesn't have to be Alien waifus anal probing us in ufo. Aliens =/= ufos it means life adapted elsewhere same as here and we will never reach it. Ufos doesn't even mean aliens it means other governments spy aircraft we haven't properly identified. You are objectively wrong if you claim there is not life outside earth.
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Get some help scizo. Aliens don't mean they visit us. You're protesting too much. It's narcissistic to think humans are the only life in the universe. The fact you instantly go to this means you need to touch some grass. There is life on mars. We contaminated it. We have launched a car into space and it has been proven many bacteria can survive in space. Therefore just from human actions alone there is 100% life outside of earth which qualifies as extra terrestrial life. It doesn't have to be Alien waifus anal probing us in ufo. Aliens =/= ufos it means life adapted elsewhere same as here and we will never reach it. Ufos doesn't even mean aliens it means other governments spy aircraft we haven't properly identified. You are objectively wrong if you claim there is not life outside earth.
This is one of the few things I get passionate about, my denial of aliens is one of my few joys. Please don't rob me of that joy.

edit: But yeah I understand you're right. My exaggerated hatred of aliens aside I just don't like how conspiracy theory discussions somehow always mention aliens.
It's dumb, but whatever.
This is one of the few things I get passionate about, my denial of aliens is one of few my joys. Please don't rob me of that joy.
Well it's an objectively false claim that is already debunked by statistics, possibly observational evidence, and technicalities. The fact that human have even gone into space qualifies as extaterrestrial life by technicality. The fact we exist proves it can happen elsewhere under the right conditions. So alien fish.
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Well it's an objectively false claim that is already debunked by statistics, possibly observational evidence, and technicalities. The fact that human have even gone into space qualifies as extaterrestrial life by technicality. The fact we exist proves it can happen elsewhere under the right conditions. So alien fish.
Yeah, I know. I think the only thing we don't have is proof of intelligent life, but even then it should exist.
I'll admit I am narcissistic when it comes to humanity as because I believe in a god: I inherently do place that humanity is special in some way.
That said I actually mentioned a theory that asks the question of alien existence earlier, the fermi-paradox, so it's not like I can't comprehend alien discussions.
Yeah, I know. I think the only thing we don't have is proof of intelligent life, but even then it should exist.
I'll admit I am narcissistic when it comes to humanity as because I believe in a god: I inherently do place that humanity is special in some way.
That said I actually mentioned a theory that asks the question of alien existence earlier, the fermi-paradox, so it's not like I can't comprehend alien discussions.
God doesn't necessarily disprove aliens and they don't really disprove god same as evolution. Evolution can be looked at as a tool of god but can exist as a concept without god for both athiest and theist. There could be other life not in gods image and it doesn't have to be intelligent because that doesn't happen often anyway. Hypothetically if they even were intelligent enough for complex thoughts they would be in the same situation we are and would not be able to reach other planets. The government talking about aliens and those stupid mummies are all fake and gay like Bruce Jenner's tits. That i will 100% agree, clear psy op distraction.
More on cloning.
I hope they make this come back. Do the marsupial lion next. Australia isn't quite dangerous enough yet without (checks notes) large carnivores.
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