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Conspiracy Theories that turned out true.

That the COVID19 vaccines are safe and effective and that anti-vaxxers are fucking schizophrenic.
Cope for genetically weak fucks

To be fair there are plenty of valid reasons to not want it for one reason or another that are not scizo reasons and wouldn't qualify as an anti vax stance. Like being alergic to something in it etc. Even pregnancy can potentially (not always) be a risk for many vaccines not just covid and many wait until after pregnancy. Like with any medicine there can be risks but that quite literally applies to all medicines not just vaccines and is usually pretty rare. I don't fault people for just not wanting it for no particular reasons either, same as flu shots, if they feel they don't need it fine and if they want it also fine. Nor do i shame people who get it. I personally don't think people should be forced to take something like that in most cases (with some execption) if you don't want it, which i feel is reasonable. The virus itself isn't too dangerous for most people and the vaccine is generally safe. My immune system is good enough to not need it, i rarely get sick and when i do i get over it quickly without it affecting me much. I caught it before and it wasn't much worse than a flu. The panic over it i feel is just an excuse to gain more control.
To be fair there are plenty of valid reasons to not want it for one reason or another that are not scizo reasons and wouldn't qualify as an anti vax stance. Like being alergic to something in it etc. Even pregnancy can potentially (not always) be a risk for many vaccines not just covid and many wait until after pregnancy. Like with any medicine there can be risks but that quite literally applies to all medicines not just vaccines and is usually pretty rare. I don't fault people for just not wanting it for no particular reasons either, same as flu shots, if they feel they don't need it fine and if they want it also fine. Nor do i shame people who get it. I personally don't think people should be forced to take something like that in most cases (with some execption) if you don't want it, which i feel is reasonable. The virus itself isn't too dangerous for most people and the vaccine is generally safe. My immune system is good enough to not need it, i rarely get sick and when i do i get over it quickly without it affecting me much. I caught it before and it wasn't much worse than a flu. The panic over it i feel is just an excuse to gain more control.I
Well yeah, for medical reasons you shouldn't take it, which was why some vaccines are off limite <12 year old.

The debate between individual freedom versus social contract is something I'd rather not go there, though.
Just a little weather modification. They openly admit to cloud seeding nowadays too.

Just a little weather modification. They openly admit to cloud seeding nowadays too.

This one fucked me up, it really hurt that the conspiracy theorist saying we're performing weather modification was right.
I haven't seen acid rain yet, so I'll hold onto that cope though.
This one fucked me up, it really hurt that the conspiracy theorist saying we're performing weather modification was right.
I haven't seen acid rain yet, so I'll hold onto that cope though.
Combine that with the fact they admit to testing how low flying aircraft and boats etc. could distribute it. So i guess chemtrails was just combining cloud seeding and tests like that out of misunderstanding and they are separate things.
This one is pretty fucking grim.
Waht's wrong with artificial cloud? artificial rain isn't exactly a super top secret.
I think at the time it was more to see if they could actually do it and wanted to keep it secret because people would freak out over weather control back then and were afraid it could be weaponized.
Waht's wrong with artificial cloud? artificial rain isn't exactly a super top secret.
In theory: Nothing. Research itself is almost never is inherently harmful.
Even if I said: "I'm researching how to inflict untold pain that will last the person's entire life, and test the limits mental fortitude."
I could be using this research for the exact opposite and actually using the results to counter said methods.
(I didn't read this article I'm just commenting on standard viral disease research. It could be, and likely is, about something entirely else.)
Virology for example creates incredibly dangerous diseases all the time so that they can make vaccines to boost the immune system while also understanding diseases in general. See even the most gross knowledge you can imagine might have applicable uses, and thus we study it. We study because we might one day find a use.

The only thing wrong with artificial weather, beyond what might be unintended side-effects, is possible malicious application of said knowledge and we tend to attribute our lack of knowledge as possible danger.
Combine that with the fact they admit to testing how low flying aircraft and boats etc. could distribute it. So i guess chemtrails was just combining cloud seeding and tests like that out of misunderstanding and they are separate things.
Thus it's the combination of knowledge and lack of knowledge that can attribute to panic: I know the government has done shady things but I don't know why they're researching how to make artificial weather. It's the same feeling you get with a shady character, you know they've done bad things but you don't know why they're doing something else.
In theory: Nothing. Research itself is almost never is inherently harmful.
Even if I said: "I'm researching how to inflict untold pain that will last the person's entire life, and test the limits mental fortitude."
I could be using this research for the exact opposite and actually using the results to counter said methods.

(I didn't read this article I'm just commenting on standard viral disease research. It could be, and likely is, about something entirely else.)
Virology for example creates incredibly dangerous diseases all the time so that they can make vaccines to boost the immune system while also understanding diseases in general. See even the most gross knowledge you can imagine might have applicable uses, and thus we study it. We study because we might one day find a use.

The only thing wrong with artificial weather, beyond what might be unintended side-effects, is possible malicious application of said knowledge and we tend to attribute our lack of knowledge as possible danger.

Thus it's the combination of knowledge and lack of knowledge that can attribute to panic: I know the government has done shady things but I don't know why they're researching how to make artificial weather. It's the same feeling you get with a shady character, you know they've done bad things but you don't know why they're doing something else.
Exactly why people develop a distrust of government. The culmination of all the terrible things they have done and are capable of makes people fear what they will do. I would say it's justified to a healthy degree to have a distrust for any government. It doesn't mean anarchy is good though because it is only a transition that sets up for the whole "under new management" meme from megamind. And going scizo mode doesn't help anyone and discredits the legitimate stuff. I see some knowledge as a cognito hazard for lack of a better term. A lot of the world infrastructure can be easily fucked up and it will take forever to fix and the only defense is people not being aware and maybe a couple security guards who are not even armed and have no authorization to even interact with trespassers beyond asking them to leave and calling a cop who does have a gun when it is too late. The internet or even power could just be out for half the country for weeks because some asshat bent a tiny piece of metal somewhere. Now it's a game of needle in a haystack or a more extreme version of finding the bad Christmas tree light where lives are at stake. Bonus points if they dress as someone from the batman rouges gallery. Even more if someone dressed as batman arrests them.
I would say it's justified to a healthy degree to have a distrust for any government. It doesn't mean anarchy is good though because it is only a transition that sets up for the whole "under new management" meme from megamind. And going scizo mode doesn't help anyone and discredits the legitimate stuff. I see some knowledge as a cognito hazard for lack of a better term. A lot of the world infrastructure can be easily fucked up and it will take forever to fix and the only defense is people not being aware and maybe a couple security guards who are not even armed and have no authorization to even interact with trespassers beyond asking them to leave and calling a cop who does have a gun when it is too late. The internet or even power could just be out for half the country for weeks because some asshat bent a tiny piece of metal somewhere. Now it's a game of needle in a haystack or a more extreme version of finding the bad Christmas tree light where lives are at stake. Bonus points if they dress as someone from the batman rouges gallery. Even more if someone dressed as batman arrests them.
There's benefit to the government replacing mob-rule, and mob-justice, but one should always be critical of anyone in a position of authority.
It's why I'm more critical of the YouTubers covering drama instead of the drama itself. That has always been my belief.

I see some knowledge as a cognito hazard for lack of a better term.
See Roko's Basilisk.
Some knowledge is hazardous to society, some to personal safety and some to security.
It is ironically why the government keeps secrets and hides information.

An alternative to the belief that the government is malicious: Is that it doesn't think you can handle the truth, and you are a danger to yourself.
There's benefit to the government replacing mob-rule, and mob-justice, but one should always be critical of anyone in a position of authority.
It's why I'm more critical of the YouTubers covering drama instead of the drama itself. That has always been my belief.


See Roko's Basilisk.
Some knowledge is hazardous to society, some to personal safety and some to security.
It is ironically why the government keeps secrets and hides information.

An alternative to the belief that the government is malicious: Is that it doesn't think you can handle the truth, and you are a danger to yourself.
Rather than pure malicious intent i see it as a combination of spite, self interest, lack of morals, ignorance, and a need to maintain public image when and where they apply. It seems to be the most simple and logical explanation so it seems like occams razor points to it. Making money and gaining power regardless of consequences stepping on anyone in your way not caring who gets hurt as long as you can get away with it is how a lot of conspiracy theories can be explained.
I made jokes about people looking like they are from the same clone batches, wonder if i was ever accidentally right lmao

I like how EW is an appropriate name.
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Just a little weather modification. They openly admit to cloud seeding nowadays too.
Was cloud seeding ever actually a "conspiracy theory?" I remember an episode of Tennessee Tuxedo (old cartoon about a penguin voiced by Don Adams) which had the heroes doing it just so their rain prediction would be right for once. I imagine if its something a kids' cartoon is comfortable joking about, then its not even that controversial.
your favorite conspiracy theories that happened to be true
This statement shows me that you're unfamiliar with critical thinking and are hence drawn to "conspiracy theories". The idea is not come up with some crazy theory and then wait for it to come true so you can say "told you so". That's the very definition of confirmation bias. The conspiracy theory field is full of confirmation bias. Critical thinking isn't about confirming what you're already thinking, it's about aggressively debating and debunking your thoughts to see what truly stands the test of criticism.

If your definition of conspiracy theory is "elites conspiring to maintain and cement their power", then yes, there are many known and unknown "conspiracy theories" pointing to such scheming and maneuvering on the part of the elite. If your definition of conspiracy theory is confirmation bias, ie, "just come up with some crazy outrageous shit and then work yourself towards the conclusion that it must be true while ignoring all evidence to the contrary", then no, I aggressively oppose such conspiracy theories. It usually means the latter in this day and age.

I've always had a curiosity and interest when it comes to these things the government doesn't want us to know in general.

Here's the thing though: how is the idea that government hides shit empowering to you personally? Do you feel empowered to expose those secrets? Do you feel like you're special because you're in on some Big Secret that most people know nothing about? But then, what happens after you've exposed some paper tiger? Do you expect people to get outraged? Do you expect anything to change? There have been many many leaks in my lifetime, and none of them have resulted in the government relenting power. If anything, they made the government double down on their secrets and protect them even more. Do you ever stop to think where this game of hide-and-seek eventually leads to? Does it make people feel more empowered to change things, or does it make them apathetic, thinking: "Well, we can't change anything, most of our lives are decided in secret by cadres behind closed doors."? I mostly feel that conspiracy theories are meant to make feel powerless and disenfranchised, like nothing can be changed.

I think it's crazy how they've been releasing more and more information on aliens and nobody even stops to listen, because some of the shit being spread is wild.

There are no aliens, period. It's a psyops to distract the general public from what's really happening, it's meant to make the government seem open and transparent while revealing nothing at all, and it's also meant to make "space wars" seem cool and worth pursuing. If NASA were to come out and say: "Let's put more space stations out there so we can nuke Russia better/moar and assure MAD", no one would support space wars. But if NASA says: "Let's put more space stations so we can catch the aliens visiting us and say hi", all of a sudden people support putting more space stations out there. You're being played and you don't even notice how.

I bet no one in NASA or the JPL truly believes in aliens and just chuckles to themselves whenever these "leaks" or "commission hearings" come out. If you've seen/read Dune you know how the Witches deliberately plant mass-superstitions to manipulate people. That's what this cult of the alien is.

"UFO" does not imply "alien". It simply means an aircraft that the US hasn't identified before. It could be some experimental shit that the Russians or Chinese are testing that the US hasn't seen yet. Unidentified experimental aircraft might have been a thing before the 1970s, ie, before the widespread use of satellites orbiting the earth, but do you really think that TODAY there can be any aircraft out there that the US hasn't noticed? That's bullshit on the face of it. There are 8000+ sats orbiting the earth right now. It's impossible to have an aircraft that isn't noticed and traced by any number of them.

"Aliens are real."
"No they aren't."
"Aliens are real."
"Alright you got me. They're real."
"Smoke screen, literal distraction politics. I ain't paying attention."

I still have not seen any evidence whatsoever proving that aliens are real. I have not seen any evidence suggesting that any unidentified aircraft noticed here on earth came from outer space. I have not seen any explanation for how 8000+ orbiting satellites, that can literally locate a fucking needle in a haystack here on earth, would've missed anything passing by.

To be fair a lot of it is just sensationalist and to me some of the guys at that Congressional hearing looked like they were acting. To me the alien stuff feels like a fake Discovery channel documentary. If they were serious then they would bring out physical evidence. Everything they've put forward has been only words and nothing else, and how is that different from denying UFOs?

I fully believe that we've been visited but I also think that nothing put forward as evidence is convincing, including these strategic "reveals."

I don't believe anyone has visited us. No one is going to visit a planet that's literally a flying garbage dump like ours where superstitious monkeys still engage in irrational self-destruction. If there is someone out there, I hope for their sake and ours that they are going out of their way to avoid us and hide from us so we never see them, because if they've studied us, they must know that the monkeys that populate this planet will lose their fucking minds even more than they already have if aliens were to reveal themselves to us.

If any aliens are reading this: look at Africa, look at Ukraine, look at who's populating this planet. A greedy, murderous race of crazy monkeys who are willing to kill massive amounts of each other just for the sake of some fermented dinosaur juice. Do not come here and do not talk to us, ever. If for some reason you have mastered deep space travel, there have to be some better, more pristine and peaceful planets you can visit instead of this floating war-mongering trash dump.
Was cloud seeding ever actually a "conspiracy theory?" I remember an episode of Tennessee Tuxedo (old cartoon about a penguin voiced by Don Adams) which had the heroes doing it just so their rain prediction would be right for once. I imagine if its something a kids' cartoon is comfortable joking about, then its not even that controversial.
Yes but also no. Chemtrails were the real conspiracy theory and cloud seeding explained it.
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Now if only they could properly detect them before they pass us and we would have already been dead if they hit.
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