No. 50+ yo man and bins wearers have souls (unless they are ginger).
Both hands above the desk, Daniel. You know I'm not interested in you in that way. That's why I never replied to any of your dms, from all your socks. And I've replied to Bryanne Dunnce. That ended up with Plodwinson deleting a squit, because I was mean about him. And Dunnce ain't been around in awhile.
The takeaway: You are a transient dago ginger. The last two are unforgivable. I mean, hoboing is an American tradition, Mark Twain n all that shit, but you are still soulless and a wetback. And a storage unit is just "Perv Meth Head", really. I once watched an ep of Storage Hunters, and there was a unit that was just: Drug paraphernalia, nazi memorabilia, damaged sex doll. That's your kinda hoboing.