you do realize you are browsing on a site dedicated to shitting on josh and his site, right? this is like saying all users on /pol/ are retards for hating jews because they spew out takes you don't like so you call their takes "dumb".Where did you get the impression that I remotely like Josh? Because I counter signal the non-stop barrage of braindead takes most of you have? By playing devil's advocate I hope I can make a few of you realize how silly some of the shit you say is so that Onion Farms is no longer rightfully regarded as a pile of angy low-IQ delusionoids.
a spic + muzzie shouldn't talk shit to anyone more productive than his lazy, stealing, illegal border-crossing, beaner ass. your religion is literally one of the most despised religions on earth and your race is an endless supply of cartel beheading videos.I have a feeling I certainly make you red in the face but not because of laughter. I thought you chinks were supposed to be Zen masters? Why don't you go twiddle your rittle eggroll and get back to me when you're more chi than sneethe?
don't like this site? then you can kindly fuck off back to kiwifarms. see if they welcome you back because no one wants you here. in fact, you don't belong in any forums and communities on the internet.