BREAKING! Vivian Strange has his Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton moment on Youtube: aka "I have never dated another Youtuber" - the GenderWeird film podcast is RIP. - Weird Strange Evasive Drama around Vivian Strange and his (ex?) friend and podcast co-host Jane Brown aka "Style is Substance" around the cancelling of GenderWeird - Jane Brown: "I was distressed and manipulated by [anonymous]" - Vivian Strange: "Platonic and romantic is a false binary" (= rapey?) - Battle of the troon MILFs: who gets to "mother" Aziel? - troonvestigation exclusive for OnionFarms!
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He just had to lift himself out of his chair to show off his dark blue underwear sticking out from the side of his shorts, yet again.
Here is Vivian Strange finally having his Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton moment on his Livestream yesterday:
I suppose watching explicit BDSM rape porn together with another troon who is 10 years your minor and isn't even of drinking age doesn't count as "having sexual relationships with other Youtubers", but whatever. We should totally give the troon who makes rapey comments such as "platonic and romantic is a false binary" the benefit of the doubt, right?
Let break down what happened in the latest installment of "troons being rapey towards their fellow troons".
Here is the statement that Jane Brown posted to his Style is Substance Youtube channel community page about quitting his Youtube channel to focus on his personal film projects, as well as cancelling the GenderWeird podcast he was co-hosting with Vivian Strange. Jane specifically mentions being "distressed and manipulated" by certain unnamed individuals, without specifically naming Vivian Strange or anyone else:
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Vivian himself posted the following, more cryptic statement to his Instagram account, neither mentioning Jane Brown or the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast:
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When I first saw this Instagram post, not knowing about the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast, I just thought to myself: Every "philosopher" troon I've come across in my years of digging through this morass of AGP degeneracy always turns out to have a boner for the "Death and the Maiden" necorphilic trope (remember Nyk incorporating that excerpt of Stoya reading that necrophilic story in one of his earlier videos?), and Vivian Stranger is no different. According to Google Images, the above image of Death and the Maiden is the cover art for the rap album Dead Inside by Broke Boi J:
But now that I have read Jane Brown's statement, which predates Vivian's more cryptic statement by almost a week, Vivian's comment does read like an attempt at flipping the tables on Jane Brown. Vivian's Instagram statement makes it sound like he was the one who rejected Jane Brown as a friend first, rather than Jane rejecting Vivian over whatever happened between them.
However, then I watched Vivian's latest Livestream, and a very different picture began to emerge about what might have happened behind the scenes between Jane Brown and Vivian that led to the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast and Jane's evasive statement about being "distressed and manipulated".
I think this part of the Livestream where Vivian began to talk about being "a bad friend" and someone leaving him is related to his cryptic Instagram statement:
However, it was during this part that Vivian went full rapey and said the following: "Platonic and romantic is a false binary", which makes me wonder whether his friend actually dumped because he didn't respect their personal boundaries and tried to manipulate them into relenting to his advances with this bullshit about how there is no difference between a platonic and a romantic relationship:
He says "Your relationship to someone shouldn't be the elephant in the room", but methinks Vivian himself is the one making his relationships to others "the elephant in the room" by trying to manipulate his friends out of their personal boundaries when they say they don't want to be sexually intimate with him. My impression from this part of the Livestream is that Vivian is currently mad at someone who told him they wanted to be "just friends" - I have no choice right now but to assume this was Jane Brown. As for Vivian's comments about "gal pals", maybe this is what Vivian told Jane their relationship was, instead of straight up telling Jane he wanted to be transbians and bang him. Whatever was actually said between them, Jane must've seen right through it and rejected Vivian's manipulative advances. Who knows what actually happened here. Vivian seems really upset about whatever it was though. The way Vivian Strange spews the words "just friends", in the above excerpt, dismissively with air quotes, that kinda gives it away, IMO.
However, this part of the Livestream seem like the same kind of turning-the-tables that Vivian tried to do in his Instagram statement, where he made it seem like he was the one who rejected Jane instead of the other way around:
Someone claiming there is no difference between a platonic and a romantic relationship to manipulate others into violating their personal boundaries is being actually harmful, though.
Here Vivian complains about optimists no longer being willing to put up with his negativity, claiming they are the toxic ones for having become better at sniffing out people like him and avoiding him:
Vivian admits he's a buzzkill, he's seething with anger, but if you politely tell him you don't want to fuck him and you just want to be friends, he will put you on blast on his Livestream and call you the "radioactive, toxic" one for not putting up with his doomerism or his sexual advances.
I think I can guess what might have prompted this very public but evasive fall-out between Jane Brown and Vivian Strange that led to the cancelling of GenderWeird podcast and them both being shady and evasive about it. I personally suspect the fall-out between Vivian and Jane might have something to do with this:
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This is a screenshot from a video that Elaine (the actual Gay from LA that Jane Brown and Vivian both know, and have been trying to turn into a troon like themselves) recently posted to his Youtube channel, as part of his I Wish I Were A Camera troon melodrama reality-Youtube series. The fugly goth-looking MFer in the middle of this screenshot between Jane and Elaine with the witchy beany is none other than Aziel Jane Vivian, the decade-younger troon that Vivian was gooning with to Richard Kern's Fingered (but, you know, Vivian has never had a sexual relationship with another Youtuber, he's just been watching hardcore BDSM porn with them, not with their dicks in their hands or anything). In this picture, Jane, Elaine and Aziel are HRT-crying together and hugging (read: love bombing) each other, as troons in the gender cult tend to do. I bet Vivian saw this footage and had a bout of extreme narcissistic raging envy that he wasn't there with them in the troon puppy pile. In this part of the video, Jane is telling Aziel that he has "maternal feelings" towards him, which is what you would expect from a delusional pornsick AGP with a MILF fetish:
It's also relevant to note here that Jane Brown and Aziel Jane Vivian recently made a DIY documentary film together, titled Jane is OK, which consiists mostly of smartphone footage of Aziel tormenting his Christian Latina mom in Spanish with his troon bullshit:
So Elaine Fuentes, Jane Brown and Aziel Jane Vivian have finally met one another IRL, with Jane Brown love-bombing (read: manipulating) Aziel about his supposed "maternal feelings" being channeled towards him instead of Elaine. In reality, Jane Brown is just a degenerate who wants to turn a younger man into himself so that he can project all the worst aspects of himself onto another person and thus feel justified in all of his own poor choices. Aziel is just an even more obnoxious version of Vivian, a yung AGP who makes Youtube videos bragging about destroying his mother's Bible. Vivian explicitly stated on one of his Livestreams: "One of my kinks is that toxic older woman/teacher/mother figure".
I bet it was this part in the video where Elaine, Jane and Aziel are all HRT-sobbing and hugging one another, with Jane explicitly telling Aziel he was mothering him, that must've triggered the fuck out of Vivian Strange's envy, as he too has an AGP MILF fetish, demanding that his viewers call him "mommy". I obviously don't and can't know if Vivian was asking Aziel to call him "mommy" in private, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a MILF fetish happening between them too, as Aziel hates his Christian mom and has some very severe mommy issues. Vivian too has a Christian mother and I bet he and Aziel had bonded over their mutual hatred of their mothers.
Anyways, the sight of Jane Brown mothering the younger troon that Vivian presumably was looking forward to "mothering" himself, I bet that was the last drop in the bucket and was what made Vivian retaliate against Jane drooling all over Vivian's chico Latino by canceling the GenderWeird podcast.
The loss of the GenderWeird podcast is kinda unfortunate in terms of the lolcow milk, because Vivian had shared so many cringe details about himself over the course of those podcast episodes, like: admitting he's a drug addict, admitting he has penetrated stinkditches, admitting he prostituted himself to older men, admitting it was the experience of actually fucking inverted dicks/ballsacks/transplanted colons/transplanted peritoneal linings that convinced him to never get bottom surgery himself and to keep his own dick:
To give you yet another example of how continuously oversexed and pornsick these Genderweird podcasts were, here's Vivian and Jane Brown on the Genderweird podcast complaining about how the rest of the world got tired with all the pornsick movies that Open Secret/#MeToo Hollywood was putting out to advertise their degeneracy:
In other words, because pornsick troons themselves "consumer degenerate porn on the regular" (notice how they generalize and project their own addictions onto others to justify them), everything has to be infected with porn to cater to their perpetual pornsickness. Even children's cartoons. Vivian admits, once again, that he's too desensitized by pornography to enjoy IRL sex, and admits he has reached such an extreme level of pornsick jadedness, that he can only enjoy sex vicariously by viewing others have (unrealistic, destructive and hyper-violent) sex in porn. Vivian never stops to question whether his HRT and the blocking of his testosterone has contributed to his desensitization to IRL sex, and whether his preference for fake/unrealistic sex over IRL sex really is the result of pornsickness.
It should be clear from these examples that Vivian and Jane's discussions on the GenderWeird podcast always pivoted towards sex and pornography, with the two of them openly discussing their personal kinks and sexual fixations instead of the movies they were supposed to focus on:
GenderWeird was supposed to be a podcast about little known "queer films" (I too had never heard of Funeral Parade of Roses), but as with anything involving troons, both Vivian and Jane preferred to overshare cringe details about themselves and their degenerate oversexed lifestyles, rather than actually analyzing or describing the films they were supposed to be talking about. To be fair, Jane Brown did come into the podcast better prepared than Vivian and made a greater effort to actually discuss the actual film. It's obvious to me that in the context of such constant oversharing on the podcast, certain boundaries were on the verge of getting crossed. It was almost inevitable for that to happen, because whereas the rest of the world is turned off by peope who overshare, the transgender cult prides itself on being an oversexed space where degenerates get to TMI and overshare with impunity. Both Jane Brown and Vivian Strange (and Elaine, and Aziel) were attracted to the transgender cult for this reason.
I wonder what it was like for Jane Brown to have to deal with Vivian losing his interest in cinema once he contacted Palestine Derangement Syndrome and became completely OCD obsessed with Bisan Owda and the war in Ghaza. I remember how Jane Brown used to be a regular in the chat during Vivian Strange's Livestreams, but then he began to show up less and less in the chat the more radicalized Vivian became by the war in Ghaza. Vivian will never admit this in public but I suspect it was both the PDS and Jane Brown meeting Aziel IRL and getting closer to Aziel than Vivian could ever hope to be, that eventually destroyed their friendship. I know Vivian will never admit this, but I personally suspect he secretly feels that Jane Brown stole his troon.
TLDR, troons are men, they are oversexed pornsick men with MILF fetishes and mommy issues, they are competitive possessive men, and their competition over who gets to MILF the younger troons they are grooming into a copy of themselves will eventually destroy whatever common endeavor they embark upon.
Ew this dude is GROSS.