Here we see two retards in their native habitat, unable to have a calm discussion in private, turning a match into a forest fire through a gasoline bath. I kind of feel bad for Slav because it's obvious he does care.
I hope that little bean joins Onion Farms and stops being abused by his neglectful Daddy null.
Let me show you guys another example of why Didl decided to target Slav Power with rumour-mongering in the chat in order to GAYtekeep Null:
@kiwifarms #258 01:30 PM, 11 Nov 2023
Happy American Veteran's Day and Polish Armistice Day!
Null posted this picture of the American soldier and the Polish soldier saluting one another before their national flags as a subtle hat-tip to Slav Power, because Slav had helped Null with the new Polish ISP.
Slav doesn't hate Didl, he doesn't care about Didl. It's Didl who hates Slav and has to spread bullshit rumours about Slav, because Didl is a jealous GAYtekeeper of Null.
The latest Taylor Swift featured post proves that Null is gay.
I don't like most of her music, but this song is pretty good TBH:
"This song is about disillusionment with our crazy world of politics and inequality, set in a metaphorical high school" - TS.