Lin Kuei Assassin
My brother participated in this folly. I do so only to face his killer!
Registered Member
I want to be perfectly clear that junkie lawyer is a complete piece of shit and I believe his kids would be better off without him or his crack whore harem. . . . but one of the people at his hearing was a disgusting tranny (that multiple kiwis thirsted after) and another was a lardass with a tranime avatar who admitted to being too poor to afford a cheap pair of dress shoes. Dude, do some push ups, go for a run, and quit spending all your fucking money on pokemon cards or whatever.All of the early cows were like that for the most part: random literal who that did funny shit that no one would notice or care about outside the people watching them and it was mostly fine. Cows are funny when they're small. People that have millions of viewers that end up posted there are otherwise covered by every drama channel. You're left with people who just spend double digit pages after things happen saying that the reasonably well provided whoever with a wife and kids is somehow worse than every minimum wagie forum member commenting because they didn't do whatever the latest kerfuffle is. It's just vultures circling not the dead or dying but the unafflicted, hoping for downfalls.
Normal people don't give that much of a shit about someone that they're gonna waddle down to city hall or whatever and start photocopying records like downie 007. And they're damn sure not going to show up to some junkie losers court hearing and take fucking notes. I thought my generation were fucking losers for doing donuts in grocery store parking lots. The current crop of kiwi farmers take loser to a brand new level of pathetic.