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Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.

It's over for kerfuffles
Get keffuckled
Stolen some text from KiwiFarms but this is the summary for those that wanna read.

  • [12:33] First mention of the GoFundMe about "recouping losses" because of "unjust seizures" (of the electrical equipment)
  • [13:00] Talking about how #DropKiwiFarms succeeded in getting Cloudflare to drop KF resulting in it becoming vulnerable to "illegal denial of service attacks"
  • [14:00] to [16:40] shows clips of how the story in regards to the Swatting kept changing
  • [20:00] to [22:00] claims that the GoFundMe to "recoup losses" was made after the items were actually returned by the police, or at the very least the GoFundMe was never updated to address that the equipment had been returned at most 24 hours after the GFM's creation: 8th.png
    • [27:00] to [28:30] Points out how stupid it is to be publicly broadcasting and livestreaming where you're going to be in public which resulted in the Poutine van incident. Also shows clips of Keffals admitting to getting found on purpose basically and egging the site on to attack.
    • [29:05] Quickly talks about how Keffals cheated on their fiance with EFNO/EllenFromNowOn (The Irish troon who Keffals is now engaged to)
    • [31:00] The time Keffals angrily confronted Destiny's wife at Twitchcon whilst shaking uncontrollably
    • [32:00] Talks about Keffals spending $28,000 of the GoFundMe on a years downpayment on the luxury apartment which wasn't mentioned as something that would be done in the GoFundMe.Proceeds to show part of my Luxury Apartment post which Keffals never acknowledged as having happened, this is the luxury apartment with a walk-in closet that Keffals spent the tail end of 2022 pretending hadn't been tracked down, this being the same luxury apartment that was tracked down because EFNO/EllenFromNowOn went to visit his lover in Canada in November 2022 [post]
    • [33:30] Talking about Keffals giving money to a security company to hackproof their devices, (this is presumably the $10,000 given to Chelsea Manning's security consultation services which later was revealed as a thing)
    • [39:39] "Some people have said 'did you get some of your evidence on the Kiwi Farms?', even if I did that doesn't make the evidence inadmissible"
    • [47:30]to[48:50] 8 day coke bender and how a 30 day stay at the rehab facility cost $20,000
    • [52:40] How Keffals is after $125,000 in damages because he went on a holiday tour across Europe
    • [56:00] talking about Website0/ViLE
    • [1:07:00] Bobposting and their mission to pink pill and how Keffals supported that
    • [1:15:50] The return of Catboy Ranch and how the original Catboy ranch was Keffals trying to milk catboys and how Keffals knowingly interacted with a 15 year old Wynn.
    • [1:28:17] How Keffals has no morals, will disregard the truth for his own gain and how the site has raised over $150,000 to defend the website
    • [1:29:20] to [End] New leaked mod chat DM's show that Keffals has spent all of the GoFundMe money and is anxious about people finding out where the money went, how Keffals dreams of doxing people professionally and how he paid an Argentinian PI to hunt down BadEmpanada's private information

  • Leaked messages:keff.png
  • Notably this part: keff2.png
  • These messages were deleted soon after
  • Keff3.png
  • Doxxing BadEmpanada keff4.pngKeff5.png
  • Users mentioned/shown:
    JAW (Art)
    @Solid Hyrax (VODs/Archives)
    @A1 Steak Sauce (26:40 for the EFNO dox)
    @Something Awful (32:45 with the gaming chair)
    @Winter (The prolific member of the thread)
    Myself (Luxury Apartment/Catboy Ranch return)
    @Musashi's Son (1:10:11 about Bobposting and the bank robbery)

    Since the video has dropped Keffals has:
    Complained about Mutahar using JustAWorm's artwork in his video thumbnail even though Keffals has also used JAW's artwork in their video about Vaush
  • muta.pngwormy.png
  • Additionally, Keffals is now hiding replies to their cope tweet about the Mutahar video making reference to the misappropriated GoFundMe money
  • hidden.png

Anyways, fuck KiwiFarms, and thank you
Kerfuffles for being a useful idiot for Muta and Null. The Broom wins again
Cross-post from the Demon Mama thread:

Emmy/Demon Mama belatedly calls out Keffals, shows that Keffals maintained a secret doxxing server (like a secret "trannie KiwiFarms", if you will) where he was collecting dirt about his enemies on Youtube and Twitch.


From the comments: "I can see that Keffals has hurt you DM. It makes me sad to hear that. You're a good person.", "Destiny tried to warn you all about Keffals years ago. And he was right."

Original Xitter thread used in the above video.
Whats Quiffals end goal? He went absurd extents to deplatform anyone that disagreed with him (i.e. Destiny) and now he shits on the very same base that he sicc'ed on his e-enemies.