Ignore it, stay offline, go outside more.
I want to have a life
You can, you have one now. Stop being the same piece of shit every day of the month then there will be value to your life
Emotional Abuse
Yeah you do it to others, maybe understand that first then people will feel bad for you
Knocked down by people
You knock others down because of ego
I want to have friendships
Yeah right when you ruin most of them easily
I'm sorry if it's not enough
No one is asking you for anything, you'd don't owe anyone anything, so stfu
I know I complain often
yes you do bitch, way too much, be happy you live in one of the most free places on this planet
Nothing really brings me joy
Yes, there's shit that brings you joy, wearing overpriced shit, spending too much money on decorations, and being an asshole
I wish people would stop being upset for me being distant
again, ignore it, who cares
I feel empty
yeah you are, you do it to yourself