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Makes sense since he doesn't attack people who follow even the simplest youtuber drama, but a side effect of that is now he's gonna be going against a whole lot more anime avatars and we know how much he hates thoseIt's interesting to put this into perspective:
Josh is shitting on call me carlson for fucking, dating and sending nudes back and forth with a 17 yo girl when he was 19 yo (so 2 years ago) while he did much worse a decade ago.
He sticked the whole thing.
Part of me thinks that he wants to attract new people to the forum like IBS people, the people from IP2 and most importantly: e-drama consuming teens, so he can diversify his consumer base with some mindless cattle niggers.
He did the same with the femcels from PULL (when it shut down) and (when the tranny vs. radfems happened), and it's important to remember that Josh is clearly into this for the money and he's quite open about it, so yeah, Josh is gonna herd the nigger cattle.
his nostalgic sperging will be hilariousMakes sense since he doesn't attack people who follow even the simplest youtuber drama, but a side effect of that is now he's gonna be going against a whole lot more anime avatars and we know how much he hates those
read the last paragraph of the OP autistGreat stuff but why didn't you feature his whining about mommy issues? The posts where he talks about wanting to kill his mom for not loving him enough
It's buried under spoilers and barely mentioned in the text. It should be front and centerread the last paragraph of the OP autist
>Hhmmm, maybe I should create original unique usernames so that nobody knows it's really me
We got a herd of nigger cattle and they shit, someone's gotta clean it up.He did the same with the femcels from PULL (when it shut down) and (when the tranny vs. radfems happened), and it's important to remember that Josh is clearly into this for the money and he's quite open about it, so yeah, Josh is gonna herd the nigger cattle.
You're just now figuring this out? KF has always been a place for retards to make fun of other retards. It's no surprise that Dear Feeder himself is the biggest lolcow of them all.It all makes sense now. I figured it was something like this. Josh was always a loser, and he latched onto the "lolcow" shit (which, let's be honest, was never funny) just so he could punch down for a change and make himself feel better. It got to his head, though, as it always does in these stories.
"You're a pathetic, dangerous man-child, angry at the world for your own pathetic failures. This is but one of your brief moments where you act like you're conked out on drugs or something and you start pretentiously playing the victim card and offering bullshit explanations to foster a pity-defense. Yes, you are extremely pitiable. You're poor. You're ugly. You're fat. You've never had a normal relationship in your life. Your grandparents are disgusted with you. You flunked high school. Hell, despite all your contributions, you're too much of a freak to properly fit in an internet community full of teenagers."
That sums him up to a T. He can't even fit into a community he himself made, full of LARPing faggots who, like Tumblr/Reddit, make up bullshit about their "real lives" to pretend that they too aren't just other losers punching down. I see Josh and the Kiwi Farms a lot like the trolls who still fuck with WingsofRedemption only to look even worse off than he ever could.
You're just now figuring this out? KF has always been a place for retards to make fun of other retards. It's no surprise that Dear Feeder himself is the biggest lolcow of them all.
I'd say it's more or less what your personal flavor of gossip is.I always figured that, I just didn't know about the Blockland stuff. I'm not as well versed in internet retardation as others.
Honey, this is a lolcow thread, and the shit is hilarious. Lighten up. Also like 60% of the BP on KF is made up of married women who just like gossiping about cunts on the internet.he latched onto the "lolcow" shit (which, let's be honest, was never funny)
FTFYHoney, this is a lolcow thread, and the shit is hilarious. Lighten up. Also like 80% of the BP on KF is made up of fat women who just like gossiping about cunts on the internet.
I plan to feature it when it leaves PG.feature thread
Replace "cunts on the internet" with "cunts IRL" and you pretty much have every office job in existence. Even women that are "supposedly" friends to each other talk behind each other's backs. It's fucking surreal how women hate their own.Also like 60% of the BP on KF is made up of married women who just like gossiping about cunts on the internet.
Fucking amazing. Its crazy how jewsh buried this and every KF dickrider loves to larp that this isnt a big dealIN DEVELOPMENT. WAIT UNTIL ITS DONE TO DISTRIBUTE FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE!
"You're a pathetic, dangerous man-child, angry at the world for your own pathetic failures. This is but one of your brief moments where you act like you're conked out on drugs or something and you start pretentiously playing the victim card and offering bullshit explanations to foster a pity-defense. Yes, you are extremely pitiable. You're poor. You're ugly. You're fat. You've never had a normal relationship in your life. Your grandparents are disgusted with you. You flunked high school. Hell, despite all your contributions, you're too much of a freak to properly fit in an internet community full of teenagers."
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Joshua "Null" Moon / IbanZ / IbanX / Iban / Ichverbot / CityRPG / Not Important/ n-tech / Job4_2 / PumpedUpKicks / KiwiNull / King Janny
Null, owner of Kiwi Farms, real name name Joshua Connor Moon is a cow you've probably all heard of and possibly even directly interacted with. He has been a major internet figure for well over a decade and first came into the scene as a player of the game Runescape as a young teenager. While there is no documented history from this era of his life, he was a prolific figure within the Blockland community not long after, a game of similar style to Minecraft and Roblox, frequently posting within its forum and serving as a developer of the popular mod "CityRPG".
It is immediately apparent he was a nuisance based on the amount of alt accounts he had created over time alone. Going by the names of IbanZ, IbanX, Iban, Ichverbot, CityRPG, and Not Important (Each of which he paid a crisp $20 for), he was notorious for being an insufferable prick to everyone and anyone he interacted with, constantly complaining about... something, and having strange, disturbing, and outright bizarre antics. The developer and administrator of the game BadSpot himself had referred to Josh as an "Established Retard" and the most anti-fun person he had ever witnessed.
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For 5-6 years Josh had played Blockland and posted on the forums, only departing when he decided to move to different pastures. Not greener ones. At his peak Josh maintained an average of 124 posts a day on the forums.
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One of his accounts, Ichverbot, only existed for a total of three days before being permanently banned by BadSpot for Josh voicing his wishes for another user's children to burn to death.
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A control freak and total creep, Joshua often spoke with an air of superiority, unwarranted of course, insulting other players and subjecting them to his own set of standards.
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His CityRPG mod contained backdoors that he could use to become a "super administrator" on any server he wanted via the simple command of /togadmin and an internal Name check.
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Within his own servers he would ban players for using Apple products, his hatred of the company readily apparent by looking at his profile picture. Its not hard to imagine he's done it with other pieces of his work, either.
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Away from the game he would commonly argue with other users on the forum, becoming a de facto antagonist of it, one spoken of as their own proto-lolcow. One of his most creepy moments was the archival of other users personal information that he would store for future doxing and blackmailing opportunities. One such thread, "Post your face pictures", was one he downloaded files from and posted himself in.
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Female users in particular were disturbed by his presence. Known to live in Florida, users would joke about Josh personally visiting users at their houses and raping/kidnapping them. Other users from Florida had voiced their concerns living within 100 miles of Josh.
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He would powerlevel and BAWWWW constantly, crying about how he felt unloved by everyone in his life and his yearning to go on a shooting rampage, killing his parents as well.
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His famous line about masturbating to neko shota, young cat boys, a "gay phase" he had been going through, and events such as his house and belongings, cat included, being destroyed in a house fire are some of the other topics that had been brought up by Josh.
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A normally tragic event for most, Josh voiced satisfaction at the death of his cat, referring to it as "Mercy killing" for a creature old and frail.
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Aside from the cat boys he's also voiced love for other (Male) forum users, even going so far as to say they'd be "The new stocking". A PM to the user Jimmig regarding a picture uploaded of Robo Noob:
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But perhaps his most prolific drama on the forum was with a female user by the name of stocking.
Now, let's set something straight here. Both Josh and Stocking are massive attention whores and caused much drama within the community, but Stocking felt pity for a suicidal and pathetic Josh and continued to communicate with him, even after all of the ways he had threatened, insulted, and publicly humiliated her. She attempted to wrangle the tard, and the tard was having NONE of it. Josh made multiple posts and threads about his interactions with Stocking which no one had asked for, and of course making her out to be the villain of the situation. Whether Josh is the reason the Blockland forums has a drama board is a mystery, but he certainly breathed life into it.
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Stocking herself had a vore fetish and would frequently ERP with Josh, of course ending with him in her stomach. At one point Josh had spend $200 to commission vore art for Stocking and around $100 in additional gifts, totaling $300, not including the $120 he spent on new accounts. This doesn't include the years worth of Vore stories he wrote himself for stocking during his time talking to her.
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At the time of their conversations, Stocking had been 15 and Josh 17/18? Josh has been inconsistent with this figure.
When he wasn't being consumed physically and mentally by Stocking, he was viciously against her, posting threads in public about his qualms with her and even going so far as to program his mod, CityRPG, to make her messages and presence on Blockland servers invisible, silently. A shadowban that no other users could opt out of. At one point he threatened to rape, chop her body up into pieces, and leave her to starve to death alone. His excuse? "I was really angry that day".
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His most famous thread "Joshua Moon and Personal Agendas" documented his antics within the community.
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"I remember after he found out my last name, he said that he'd show up to my house while I was at school, shoot my dad, and wait for me to get home. Then he'd subdue me, cut off each individual digit with a knife heated in hot grease so that it'd cauterize as it cut and I wouldn't bleed out. Then he'd cut off my clitoris and my labia, and then rape my ass until I shat myself. Then he'd just leave me to starve to death or something once all my appendages and my genitals were sliced off and he'd beaten me sufficiently."
"I was really mad that day." - Josh
Feeling as though Stocking was his own personal property, he didn't take kindly to other, better males firing up the chat.
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And how about weaponizing your creations to automatically block people you don't like?
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Here's the big pieces of the thread for you're viewing pleasure.
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Too Long, Didn't Read: Josh is genuinely mentally ill and is socially incapable. Stocking, feeling empathy for a suicide-baiting depressed crybaby, decided to hold conversations with him, of course ending him him losing his mind, blocking her, and the cycle repeating over again. The thread is never-ending discourse between the two of them with Stocking pointing out his insanity and posts of seethe and arrogance while he dismisses her without explanation and pulls lies out of his ass.
The thread marked the de facto end of Josh's presence on Blockland, cast away by the community one final time. He still continues to visit the Blockland forums, and even made a new account, Not Important, in 2015 in response to a thread asking about him, a common behavior of his.
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"Turning over a new leaf", as said before numerous times, and meaning nothing in all of them.
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For his full visit, look no further:
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[STOCKING THREAD] [3 Years Ago] [Recent] [Recent] [Recent] [Recent] [Recent] [Recent]
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kiwifarms, a site to private investigating people like chris chan, has been shut down
kiwifarms, a site to private investigating people like chris chan, has been shut
kiwifarms, a site to private investigating people like chris chan, has been shut down
kiwifarms, a site to private investigating people like chris chan, has been shut
[NOT IMPORTANT - July 30, 2015]
[CITYRPG - January 9, 2012]
[ICHVERBOT - November 11, 2011]
[IBANX - September 2, 2007]
[IBAN - Febuary 26, 2011]
[IBANZ - June 8, 2008]
Iban's House Burns Down ~ RIP Scott the Cat
Iban's House Burns Down ~ RIP Scott the Cat
Iban's House Burns Down ~ RIP Scott the
Iban actually arrested?
Iban ~ Or why I don't like him.
Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?
Stocking versus Taboo (and Everyone Else)
Stocking versus Taboo (and Everyone Else)
Stocking versus Taboo (and Everyone Else)
Iban: We don't want you here.
happy birthday iban
Post real life pictures!
Gone from blockland he may have been, it was not long until his face was revealed yet again to the world, and coming up next time we'll be looking at his legacy at 8chan and the battle against Anonymous itself!
Stay tuned!
they love to laugh at folks until its the ones that they respect that they begin to not laugh and defend...Fucking amazing. Its crazy how jewsh buried this and every KF dickrider loves to larp that this isnt a big deal