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According to the NSA and its officers, collection of domestic data (US Citzens) is prohibited. Whether its entirely true or not is not clear, but if it is, that would mean Josh collecting more data from his users than the NSA would be a valid statement, just like him being called "King Janny" is valid as he calls the chat his "throne room".
According to the NSA and its officers, collection of domestic data (US Citzens) is prohibited. Whether its entirely true or not is not clear, but if it is, that would mean Josh collecting more data from his users than the NSA would be a valid statement, just like him being called "King Janny" is valid as he calls the chat his "throne room".
Not sure what Q&A thread you're talking about? I posted this in KF's general 4chan thread though:@Syntaxius do you have any caps about what you said in the q&a thread on KF about 4chan?
also, a lotta the armyfags I've known over the years have been huge into imageboards which explains a good chunk of the IP's logged on cuckchan, I'm not saying they are no glowies on 4chan after all I started using 4chan in 2005 and they're used to be child model threads Vlad Models and with [dot] onion links next to the pictures.
when a happening occurs you can quite literally feel the inorganic posts amidst a sea of anons. good times.
thisNot sure what Q&A thread you're talking about? I posted this in KF's general 4chan thread though:
View attachment 11421
Pretty much the average 4chan thread these days. It's funny how this could from basically any board, if it weren't for the few videogame references. I like 4chan but the next level anonymity compared to, say, KF, OF or similair is a detriment imo. Ofcourse sites like facebook, youtube and twitter are cancer because they want to you to use your real name, but 4chan is too much anonymity. Why make effortposts, when it'll be lost in milions of jokes, before going 404 and being fully lost? Why care about what you post when it could be written by anyone? I feel like OF, KF and similair went a good middle way. Mostly anonymous, but with an anonymous name attached.
There's still some worthwhile threads on 4chan, but most of the screencaps itt are old, and that says enough