My sympathy isn't fake at least. I genuinely think it's pathetic you're unable to stop posting here and just move on with life and it's sad that whatever's happened in your life has lead you here.
You're not even a POI.
The only interesting thing about you is this deranged need to interact with people who entirely hold you in contempt.
Otherwise you're just another dumpy trailer trash broad pretending to be married to a 41 year old edgelord who likely fucks around on you.
At this point I think it'd be in the best interest of the forum and yourself to sunset your
subforum thread. Neither you nor Ken have an end goal for this never ending sperg out and never will.
When people complain elsewhere about this site, your name is ALWAYS brought up.
You're a detriment to this site and this site is clearly an equal detriment to you.
Someone stop the madness!