Autism Rulez
Registered Member
Tell them:I've quit my job because they wanted me to intentionally avoid registering conservatives to vote. What should I drop in our Signal group chat since they haven't removed me yet?
@Crimson Fucker
Make it count :)
"A voter registration or GOTV drive is not a reportable expenditure if the following conditions are met:
The corporation or labor organization must not make any express advocacy communications as part of the voter registration or GOTV drive;
The voter registration drive must not be directed primarily to individuals previously, currently or intending to register with the political party favored by the corporation or labor organization;
Registration information, voting assistance and other services must be made available without regard to the voter’s political preference, and must not be withheld or refused on the basis of support for or opposition to particular candidates or political party. This information must be provided in writing to those receiving such services at the time of the drive; and
Individuals conducting the drive must not be paid on the basis of the number of individuals registered or transported who support one or more particular candidate or political party."
From FEC.