Nektar Geist
Registered Member
PR? That's not a boast. Were you trafficking smack?we went to puerto rico
But I am. I'm not ginger, I have a soul.If you think you're different from daniel you're not,
And you can't keep away.this site is a crab bucket of low functioning toxic creeps who are all in a fight to feel like the most respected guy in the room.
Behind in the utilities, huh?The only thing keeping you out of a storage unit is your thinning welfare state that you're dumb enough to hate.
No. You are addicted to this site. You really haven't whacked my self importance, have you? You just repeat the same shit. Usually reworked from what others have said about you.The reason I kept coming back is because whacking your self-importance with a stick is funny
See? I'm not bovver, tho. I'm plainly making fun of you, by comparing you to Lopez, insulting him at the same time. Multi tasking.if you weren't bothered by it then you wouldn't keep blabbering about me like I'm a real person to you and this wouldn't have escalated into the latent rapist hobby of creating low rent revenge porn that barely looks like me.
He not my clown, he maybe a clown, but not mine. You are my clown.You should stop pretending dan is your clown
He wishes. And what's wrong with the smell of onions. Do you have food issues?he's your onion mascot down to the smell
Tommy left you, you watch Nog'd Ragdoll porn, and nobody takes you seriously.abandoned loser in a lonely hovel scrolling grotesque porn and sweating through his shirt that someone on the internet didn't take him seriously.
Metaphysics with a drunken southern cunt, oh great...Ken is deeply evil in the same way chris-chan is,
Not whining, making fun of. You Berkshire. btw, you simped for some nonce fancier, just because she hates the broom. You really don't have any moral high ground to stand on.For all your months of crosseyed cockney whining about some relative on my husband's side this shows how seriously you take sex offending.
You are describing yourself.They both have a child-like wickedness where they can justify anything as long as represents elevating their own sense of importance or pleasure.
This is the stuff you think about.Just like chris fucked his mom and wove this whole narrative about it being beautiful Ken is probably molesting his employer's clients when they act up or disrespect him and justifying it by saying they're trying to destroy him and "the onion community".
Again, you are rewriting history to fit your narrative. It's funny how you can't stay away, because nobody else iRL takes you seriously. That's why you are like Lopez, at least Danny tries to butter people up, even tho he's just creepy when doing it. It's like you've never experienced positive guidance. I guess, being an unwanted child means you never had a chance to develop a proper personality (I really do think you are BPD).I can't stress how funny it is to get yelled at to stay away from onion farms!!!!!!!
Nobody cared for you, so you don't know how to care for people. It's just spite. Bloated, purply toed spite.
You don't have to. Like E-lame, Lopez, it's a NPC script. Ash just needs reminding, the only people who care for her (in a true and responsible Christian way) are some shitposters on a splinter site. I believe she was the same on dot org.You're crazy if you think anyone will read all that.
Our shitposts about/to Ash are our prayers, that she will wise up and do something more important with her life, rather than act the cow. Her nemesis seems to have managed it. I think that's part of it. Ash is missing her basic onion bitch.