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both stay night and zero are shit, Fate/Zero is just edgier.
All Fate/Stay Night did was expose the series for the trash it always was now that people can no long be blinded by thoughts such as "omg this guy uses guns and has a contrived edgy backstory and this guy kills children and this guy has worms wow so dark and mature 10/10
Fate takes itself almost completely serious, even when it really shouldn't. That works against it. Especially in Zero, which is basically tragedy-porn.
kiritsugu a manchild with a stupid ideal and boring personality, winning his fights via asspulls and le speshul matrix abilities and muh specific ability that lets him fight against much stronger and talented opponents so edgelords can powerwank their edgy self insert and pretend he's a better character than he actually is
cast is full of retards who only serve to make kerry look cooler, two women who are thirsty and absurdly devoted to kerry's dick and are perfectly fine with that for some reason, full of overused tragic tropes like muh self-loathing muh tragic past muh [insert character here] is my only reason for living and bad guys having 100% plot-armor in all circumstances and scenes but nah it's fine when the villains do it etc etc and anyone who points this out gets retorts by angry incels for not like urobutchers hack writing to appeal to the lowest common denominator of rabid edgefaggotry and false maturity that plagues every fucking series these days.
Kiritsugu is also a fucking emo faggot.
his backstory muh zombies Kiritsugu backstory was really corny
>Kayneth, his wife, and Tokiomi characters were bland (it's a bit better in the ln)
>Kirei "dynamic" with Kiri feels extremely forced
>The Caster subplot was boring (Caster and his master in general don't add much to the story IMO and are kinda annoying)
>A lot of pointless fights and forced ideological discussions was fucking pretentious shit.
Fate/Zero is psuedo-pretentious horseshit for the avant-teen crowd.
kiritsugu bullshit edgy faggy speech, muh battlefield is hell itself what a fucking edgy emo faggot. who praise this speech and kiritsugu character is a fucking idiot.
also if you kill someone evil you are a bad person, a fucking retarded shit logic so if i kill a evil dictator like hitler or stalin i am a bad person no matter who many innocent lives i have saved.
this one the reasons i fucking hate fate zero and this faggot urobuchi. this kind of shit makes me really fucking angry, it makes me wanna punch the fucking screen and makes wanna punch urobuchi and nasu fucking faces.
also the plane scene was just edgy emo shock value garbage, just like the whole series.
Urobuchi is a pretentious and a faggot writer. Like that scene in Fate/Zero where the banquet of faggots. the Banquet of Kings was the most pretentious wikipedia-tier philosophy garbage scene in all of anime.
let`s talk about saber.
saber is a emo self loathing whore, this makes me wanna punch the fucking screen.
i'm not going to reply to five different posts acting pseudo-philosophical about a female character who is the "father" of a tomboy girl because she got sperm stole from her futanari balls to create a homunculus clone, what a fucking bastardization of king artuhr.
Lancelot's inclusion was also another example of a bastardization of the original material by making him a fucking edgy emo faggot.
Ryuunosuke and caster are characters both of them don't even care about the grail, they simply spend their time killing kids and talking about how they enjoy killing kids, they're too delusional to even see the possible consequences of their actions like being the first ones killed in the grail war, which actually happens, but why are these characters in the anime anyways? oh yeah because they need SHOCKING scenes in it to attract viewers who only care about SHOCK FACTOR.
kariya who suffers to join the war so he can save sakura, but fails to do so and suffers even more, the only reason he exists is because the writer is obsessed with tragedy, kariya's story has no point, no meaning, it's a complete waste of time, just like this whole series.
also anyone who calls good or great or a greek tragedy, is a fucking idiot.
also Every anime who takes itself seriously are pretentious shit.
anime that are about ideals philosophy depression or morals are fucking edgy pretentious garbage.
i watch anime for dumb shit or power fantasy things, not edgy pretentious 2deep4u emo bullshit.
also no matter if nasu or urobuchi wrote something is fucking trash, also the bad ending is just edgy fanfic trash like it was wrote by a edgy emo teen, and i think anyone who thinks fate stay night and zero are smart, mature, deep, philosophical, morally grey, or realistic, are dumb and edgy and pretentious idiots.
Most edgy japanese works suck. Their ideas of morality can always just be traced to back to the fact the author doesn't believe in God. That panel you posted looks like the awful "evil for the sake of being evil" trope amateur eastern writers seem to love.
overall fate zero is a pile of fucking edgy emo pretentious garbage and urobuchi is a fucking emo edgy faggot. who praised this pile of horseshit is a fucking idiot. and the Nasuverse is just trash. The entire Fate franchise is absolute dogshit only good for porn.
fuck this bitch ass nigger faggot
i hope this channel burns to the fucking ground fate zero is fucking emo edgy dogshit and fuck his nigger bitch muh ideals ideals this dick in your fucking faggot cunt kike nigger fuck fate zero edgy shit fuck urobuchi edgy emo nihilistic ass i hope urobuchi shove his nihilism in his mother cunt and this bitch nigger faggot
also fuck this fucking nigger cunt faggot
i hope this channel burn to fucking ground fate is a fucking overrated garbage franchise and faggots cunts niggers like it anyone who calls this horseshit a masterpiece is a fucking nigger #fuckthefatefranchise #fatefranchiseisshit
also fuck this nigger i hope he dies burns in hell and satan cock fuck saber emo bitch kiritsugu edgy emo faggot ideology this dick in your mouth you faggot kill yourself and fuck urobuchi aka uronigger i hope nasu kill himself #fuckfatezero #fuckanimeideology #fuckkiritsugu #fuckreddit #fuckurobuchi #fucknasu
FGO is amazing and I like fate/zero
the franchise is a pile of fucking edgy emo 2deep4u pretentious dogshit and if you like fate zero you are a faggot a pretentious cunt a and edgelord faggot and anyone who likes this franchise is a edgy emo pretentious weeaboo faggot there nothing amazing about this horseshit franchise
How am I a faggot for liking this?
View attachment 57490
because fate fans are faggots and retarded edgy pretentious pseudo
pseudo intellectual cunts kiritsugu and kirei are edgy emo nihilistic faggots and shit overrated teenage angst garbage characters and thier backstories are edgy emo shock value piles of dogshit and urobuchi is a fucking edgy emo pseudo philosophical faggot and his fans are fucking cunts
both stay night and zero are shit, Fate/Zero is just edgier.
All Fate/Stay Night did was expose the series for the trash it always was now that people can no long be blinded by thoughts such as "omg this guy uses guns and has a contrived edgy backstory and this guy kills children and this guy has worms wow so dark and mature 10/10
Fate takes itself almost completely serious, even when it really shouldn't. That works against it. Especially in Zero, which is basically tragedy-porn.
kiritsugu a manchild with a stupid ideal and boring personality, winning his fights via asspulls and le speshul matrix abilities and muh specific ability that lets him fight against much stronger and talented opponents so edgelords can powerwank their edgy self insert and pretend he's a better character than he actually is
cast is full of retards who only serve to make kerry look cooler, two women who are thirsty and absurdly devoted to kerry's dick and are perfectly fine with that for some reason, full of overused tragic tropes like muh self-loathing muh tragic past muh [insert character here] is my only reason for living and bad guys having 100% plot-armor in all circumstances and scenes but nah it's fine when the villains do it etc etc and anyone who points this out gets retorts by angry incels for not like urobutchers hack writing to appeal to the lowest common denominator of rabid edgefaggotry and false maturity that plagues every fucking series these days.
Kiritsugu is also a fucking emo faggot.
his backstory muh zombies Kiritsugu backstory was really corny
>Kayneth, his wife, and Tokiomi characters were bland (it's a bit better in the ln)
>Kirei "dynamic" with Kiri feels extremely forced
>The Caster subplot was boring (Caster and his master in general don't add much to the story IMO and are kinda annoying)
>A lot of pointless fights and forced ideological discussions was fucking pretentious shit.
Fate/Zero is psuedo-pretentious horseshit for the avant-teen crowd.
kiritsugu bullshit edgy faggy speech, muh battlefield is hell itself what a fucking edgy emo faggot. who praise this speech and kiritsugu character is a fucking idiot.
also if you kill someone evil you are a bad person, a fucking retarded shit logic so if i kill a evil dictator like hitler or stalin i am a bad person no matter who many innocent lives i have saved.
this one the reasons i fucking hate fate zero and this faggot urobuchi. this kind of shit makes me really fucking angry, it makes me wanna punch the fucking screen and makes wanna punch urobuchi and nasu fucking faces.
also the plane scene was just edgy emo shock value garbage, just like the whole series.
Urobuchi is a pretentious and a faggot writer. Like that scene in Fate/Zero where the banquet of faggots. the Banquet of Kings was the most pretentious wikipedia-tier philosophy garbage scene in all of anime.
let`s talk about saber.
saber is a emo self loathing whore, this makes me wanna punch the fucking screen.
i'm not going to reply to five different posts acting pseudo-philosophical about a female character who is the "father" of a tomboy girl because she got sperm stole from her futanari balls to create a homunculus clone, what a fucking bastardization of king artuhr.
Lancelot's inclusion was also another example of a bastardization of the original material by making him a fucking edgy emo faggot.
Ryuunosuke and caster are characters both of them don't even care about the grail, they simply spend their time killing kids and talking about how they enjoy killing kids, they're too delusional to even see the possible consequences of their actions like being the first ones killed in the grail war, which actually happens, but why are these characters in the anime anyways? oh yeah because they need SHOCKING scenes in it to attract viewers who only care about SHOCK FACTOR.
kariya who suffers to join the war so he can save sakura, but fails to do so and suffers even more, the only reason he exists is because the writer is obsessed with tragedy, kariya's story has no point, no meaning, it's a complete waste of time, just like this whole series.
also anyone who calls good or great or a greek tragedy, is a fucking idiot.
also Every anime who takes itself seriously are pretentious shit.
anime that are about ideals philosophy depression or morals are fucking edgy pretentious garbage.
i watch anime for dumb shit or power fantasy things, not edgy pretentious 2deep4u emo bullshit.
also no matter if nasu or urobuchi wrote something is fucking trash, also the bad ending is just edgy fanfic trash like it was wrote by a edgy emo teen, and i think anyone who thinks fate stay night and zero are smart, mature, deep, philosophical, morally grey, or realistic, are dumb and edgy and pretentious idiots.
Most edgy japanese works suck. Their ideas of morality can always just be traced to back to the fact the author doesn't believe in God. That panel you posted looks like the awful "evil for the sake of being evil" trope amateur eastern writers seem to love.
overall fate zero is a pile of fucking edgy emo pretentious garbage and urobuchi is a fucking emo edgy faggot. who praised this pile of horseshit is a fucking idiot. and the Nasuverse is just trash. The entire Fate franchise is absolute dogshit only good for porn.
Yeah... you're a faggot.
also fuck this piece of shit video
this video is a pile of fucking shit fate zero is edgy emo piece of fucking horseshit i hope this faggot channel dies tragic this dick in your mouth you fucking pretentious faggot fate zero is a edgy emo pretentious pile of fucking shit also urobuchi abyss of tragedy is my ass you fucking edgy emo motherfucker fuck you gen urofaggot also fuck this pile of shit https://animerants.net/2021/01/07/superfluous-tragedy-in-fate-zero/ this post pile of fucking horseshit also fuck urofaggot and his shit line Good and nice characters don’t deserve happy endings urobuchi fuck you and go suck a dick you faggot fuck your nihilism and fuck your philosophy your philosophy and nihilism are shit and you are a shit writer gen urofaggot #fatezerosucks

also fuck his bullshit quotes i have nothing but contempt for the deceitful thing men call "happiness,' and find myself with no choice but to push my characters, whom i pour my heart and soul out to create, into the abyss of tragedy or Sometimes when I see someone who's a spirit of justice… I feel like I want to destroy them!" what a fucking faggot gen urofaggot is a fucking nihilistic edgy emo faggot every thing this faggot touches is a pile of fucking shit
also fuck this piece of shit video
this video is a pile of fucking shit fate zero is edgy emo piece of fucking horseshit i hope this faggot channel dies tragic this dick in your mouth you fucking pretentious faggot fate zero is a edgy emo pretentious pile of fucking shit also urobuchi abyss of tragedy is my ass you fucking edgy emo motherfucker fuck you gen urofaggot also fuck this pile of shit https://animerants.net/2021/01/07/superfluous-tragedy-in-fate-zero/ this post pile of fucking horseshit also fuck urofaggot and his shit line Good and nice characters don’t deserve happy endings urobuchi fuck you and go suck a dick you faggot fuck your nihilism and fuck your philosophy your philosophy and nihilism are shit and you are a shit writer gen urofaggot #fatezerosucks

also fuck his bullshit quotes i have nothing but contempt for the deceitful thing men call "happiness,' and find myself with no choice but to push my characters, whom i pour my heart and soul out to create, into the abyss of tragedy or Sometimes when I see someone who's a spirit of justice… I feel like I want to destroy them!" what a fucking faggot gen urofaggot is a fucking nihilistic edgy emo faggot every thing this faggot touches is a pile of fucking shit
I get the feeling you're on the deep end of the spectrum
I get the feeling you're on the deep end of the spectrum
i don`t this video video pile of horseshit and fate zero is a edgy emo
pseudo intellectual overrated piece of shit and this guy is a fucking faggot and a cunt fuck him for sucking dick fate zero and urofaggot dick tragic this dick in your ass you cunt his channel dies
also fate stay night and zero fans are a bunch of faggots and niggers pretentious cunts and kikes overhyping edgy emo shit characters like thoses kikes shirou and kiritsugu aka shitsugu fuck their edgy emo nigger backstories boo hoo i hate myself because i am a emo weak-minded faggot fuck them and the hope who like thoses niggers fuck saber kariya archer and lancelot emo crybabies gloryholes #fuckfatezero #fatezerosucks #fuckfatestaynight #fuckurobuchi #fucknasu #urobuchiisahack #nasuisahack