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Dom Perignon typically isn't that dark, obviously it depends on the vintage, but typically it's a very pale yellow, also.. notice the sun is out and bright, yet the glass has no condensation on or around it meaning the bottle wasn't chilled; furthermore, there is no effervescence going on in the glass.A toast to the “enemies” of elaine
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View attachment 23769
Notice in the picture 1) she couldn’t afford the bottle so she bought a glass (bottles are around $300 online) and 2) shes alone because no one can stand her. Who will be her second at a party of one?
Just imagine taking a train or bus to go into the London countryside just to take a picture of a glass of Dom to “own” the alogs.
Whatever is in that flute appears cloudy, darker and flat as opposed to Dom Perignon which is bright, light and bubbly. If I had to put money on it I'd say that it's a cheap Sauvignon Blanc