Your stream sucks. Your content is boring and you with your weird butt-buddy cohost(s)? Not 100% sure wtf they are tbh are also bad at jokes and only reference shit that
you get. Nobody understands anything going on and none of you present the content thats supposed to be
Most importantly 3.
Something that can and will be followed up on as the subject is something that will continue to be funny
You do not even format the content in a manner that suggests some sort of planning. Whats the general point of doing a podcast-type thing to people if noone understand a fucking thing happening or are not laughing?
This is why your channel has never grown and you are shit at content. Period. This is an objective fact. You have even admitted prior in this thread that you dont even want to be a Content Creator meanwhile here you are sucking off
@Empresa audience because
You do not have an audience
This is why you gayop actual content creators and hate them. Its why you seethe uncontrollably because this shit is more important to you than your fucking Kid. meanwhile you still have this Child Protective Service investigation that you STILL will not explain shit about.
While its funny to see you be mentally ill it is actually awful to try to sit down and ingest anything you actually create.
You are not an artist you are a lolcow so stop trying to act like something you arent faggot