Pit_Viper_Salesman: so what if i told you i thought it was odd no one did a really deep dive on the killstream.tv info
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and that once i did i discovered / of everyone used their real info
Pit_Viper_Salesman: either partially or completely
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and linked their screennames they use on social
[email protected]: I have another document outlining the "doxable" and yeah it's about /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its insane
Pit_Viper_Salesman: phone numbers
[email protected]: I was expecting % at best
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im running everyone individually and then using that to confirm the names given
Pit_Viper_Salesman: from there im googling the screen names
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a goddamn treasure trove
[email protected]: One would thought these fucking retards thinking the government is injecting microchips in them and the democrats want their heads on a rod would have slightly better opsec
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im building a database
Pit_Viper_Salesman: social media links
Pit_Viper_Salesman: linked ins
Pit_Viper_Salesman: addresses
Pit_Viper_Salesman: notes
[email protected]: It's gonna seem pretty psychotic to go after his worthless paypigs, I'd just focus on the outspoken guntguards like guitaranthony whose dox is out there lmao
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im not going to drop no names
Pit_Viper_Salesman: only the open and regular ballwashers
[email protected]: The paypig's list damn
[email protected]: They need tattoo stamps like what Asia does to ID the pigs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but you and Haru will get a complete database copy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you both are reasonable people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you know the Halsey guy?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dono'd
[email protected]: That Zionist far right licker?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: used all his real info
[email protected]: He's such a goon
[email protected]: Well, he's an estaished loudmouth
Pit_Viper_Salesman: first name is scott, lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so halsey and maybe more will get dropper tomorrow
[email protected]: Lol so Halsey English is his pretend goy name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Scott English is his real name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Halsey is either a middle or mothers maiden name or something stupid i believe
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's a moron
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator knows ive been looking at it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him it appears like / of them self doxed
[email protected]: He was going around in yelling matches against alt right types a while ago
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he basically said they deserve whatever shit they get from it
[email protected]: Made a name for himself as an obnoxious loud and annoying sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: und k subs on YT
Pit_Viper_Salesman: very try hard
[email protected]: Is he still around? Haven't heard a thing from him after that dumb Warski stream
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still try harding
[email protected]: What an utter embarrassment
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yep
[email protected]: Jews are supposed to be smart and witty, not fat and slovenly.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so him and like more get dropped tomorrow for halloween
Pit_Viper_Salesman: what really going to wind Ralph up is that someone is picking these guys off as a hobby
Pit_Viper_Salesman: at somepoint its going to scare other people off from donoing
[email protected]: If he keeps running his mouth I'll keep dropping that list.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think my running joke is going to be that i have Bibbles dox and im just waiting for the right moment to drop it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but that if every week or two i drop another name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he'll start to panic
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and people like RPG, Cog and Metokur can use it to fuck with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you know the other thing im discovering in my research
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the non-white paypigs almost equal the white ones
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I think im def gonna fuck with Bibble
[email protected]: Equal as in pathetic behaviour or the paypiggery? Some of Gunt's coloured paypigs are just astoundingly pathetic.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i mean the number of
Pit_Viper_Salesman: almost half his audience is non-white
[email protected]: Oh I see, that's interesting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it really is
[email protected]: I'd expect a lot of them to be Latino types with an identity crisis
[email protected]: It's a sad thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i mean, whatever anyones thoughts on race is, why anyone who's hispanic or black is throwing heavy money and time at ralph is weird
[email protected]: Probably esteem issues or delusion, maybe a bit of both
Pit_Viper_Salesman: sounds about right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey are you around?
[email protected]: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i just got hit up by Rick / Stolos
Pit_Viper_Salesman: about the Flamenco thread and Flamenco in general being gayopped
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and after getting an ice pack for my head because of slamming it on the table
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i thought I would reach out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I told Rick that while I fully agree all this is occuring, I am in no way involving myself in discord bullshit. It always ends badly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: The other fact which you and I know that he doesn't
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is that the last fucking person you want attached to an investigation on Flamenco gayopps is Christorian X
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all that said
[email protected]: Yeah that is absolutely correct and the fact that knows this
[email protected]: Or does she?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: knows which part
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that i am CX?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but cannot do anything to me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i've had her full dox since March
[email protected]: Yeah this won't end well if you're involved
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and she's known i was CX
Pit_Viper_Salesman: she signed an NDA for me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i can sue her into the ground
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that said
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
[email protected]: Oh my lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i want nothing to do with this
[email protected]: Yeah, I can understand, my involvement won't go further than reading the thread before it's posted
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have been clear with her since day one that the discord shit is terrible and she should never have gotten involved
Pit_Viper_Salesman: she didn't listen
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i was fine with her giving me a heads up on shit
[email protected]: We all said that, , Haru, and I, etc
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so now we are getting to the heart odf the matter
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is shit i think you really should know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but theres no way of you using it in the open without people knowing CX gave it to you
[email protected]: Hmmm, interesting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: unless you find it on your own
[email protected]: Well there has to be ways to "find it"
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so if i can tell you where to accidentally fall upon and find things
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the cow / spooky gay shit is % real
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i've seen enough to know myself and flam and others were at the center of it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whether it was because the pig asked them too or because they are just major faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i'd call it /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: around that time he really hated both of us a ton
[email protected]: So the entire Flamenco thing blowing up was a gayop by Spooky Bones? Is cow the Cow Poly or the board?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so essentially
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the way i understand it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Spooky is the head of the snake
Pit_Viper_Salesman: best way to put it
[email protected]: The he here is SEXYTHAN I JUST LOST NRN, and us is you and Flamenco?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: call this a way more intelligent and successful council of evil
Pit_Viper_Salesman: with Spooky = DJ aksel
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and cow being his Lt
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all these people are degen fuckers
[email protected]: Kek what's with these female tranny discord rings
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't fucking know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its fucking stupid
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: cow has boasted to people regularly hes talked to and worked with the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but he's also desparate for attention
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and is a junkie
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: /?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Spooky got a taste of the Janke psycho ops and love it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: loved it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there was some split or fracture
[email protected]: Yeah, and she's also behind that I JUST LOST NRNapedia thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the goal of spooky and crew was to destabilize the farms
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and push their new boards as a replacement
[email protected]: Lol that's retarded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they got all weird and convinced of their greatness
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that essentially they had some right to not just cover but benevolently control lolcows
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i shit you not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it got this fucking gay
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so a group broke off and decided they were sick of them
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Gin, and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: basically got pissed being told they were spookys pawns to their face
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so then the inter group gayops happened
[email protected]: Kek sad they went from worshipping one female to another
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and vetti was pissed that no one gave a shit about him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so he started attacking them all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
[email protected]: Yeah that's what I've essentially been told too but the plan to destabilise is new and sounds incredibly retarded.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that is side of all this
[email protected]: Based Vetti
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then simultaneously
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there was the council of evil
Pit_Viper_Salesman: running gay ops for the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its like all these faggot terrorist cells
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so you have the council also running ops
Pit_Viper_Salesman: against me, vickers, flam and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which only leads me to believe more spooky / cow were doing the same
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so when CX died
Pit_Viper_Salesman: PVS returned as a mother fucker
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and dropped doxes on the entire council as well as many of the Cozy streamers all within like days
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and it caused the council to freak out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: bear with me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: we are getting there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is also a rd group
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochet's crew
[email protected]: Hahaha that dumb faggot
[email protected]: He's been trying to recruit me into his trooncord
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not sure if you know this, but Kinochet was a major I JUST LOST NRN ballwasher forever
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and its how he found flamenco
[email protected]: He's such a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet was a flam discord mod and YT mod for a super long time
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when Flam kicked him out for telling people to dox Tux's sister
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he lost his shit
[email protected]: LOL
Pit_Viper_Salesman: for whole months he come into flams yt chat screaming, begging, demanding to be let back in and remodded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he even sent flam money
[email protected]: .
[email protected]: ffs
[email protected]: Bruh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: epic meltdowns almost daily
Pit_Viper_Salesman: flam told him to fuck off
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats what his little grudge is about
Pit_Viper_Salesman: flam took his power
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so now he just acts like a pissed off ex
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and will say literally anything to fuck with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still not all the way there though
Pit_Viper_Salesman: while Kinochet does have a discord
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats not all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and this is the part you can't use
[email protected]: He's too stupid to run gayops right...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is a twitter group
[email protected]: Yeah my policy is what's in DM stays there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i was invited to join
[email protected]: Wow, how is that not gay?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i realized
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its all the alogs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet, xanniberries, mistwerwutang, molesterson, cringemomma
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and fucking PodAwful
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they coordinate
[email protected]: What
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they work together to spread a narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i shit you not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still not there yet
[email protected]: This is hysterical, all this gay plotting around a fat man
Pit_Viper_Salesman: RIGHT?!?!?!?
[email protected]: It really is true, the people who try to get clout from piggy is worse than him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is why i always work solo
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is supposed to be fun
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not some fucking gang war
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so that whole little crew
Pit_Viper_Salesman: coordinates narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they create NRN
Pit_Viper_Salesman: created*
[email protected]: I'm not too sure who I can trust, Haru, Sam and Rick, I think you're trustworthy and DD... probably no one else.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but also, Kinochet has them all sold or forced to run the Flam is a pedo narrative
[email protected]: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: finally
Pit_Viper_Salesman: theres one last piece of the puzzle
[email protected]: They think nrn will destroy the subforum or something?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i'll give you one guess
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whats the name of the one faggot that is connected to every one of these groups?
[email protected]: Hmmmm
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochets Discord, the Council of Evil, Kino Casino, and Cow Poly
[email protected]: Have you mentioned this person yet?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: nope!
[email protected]: ... TeaClips?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Bryan Dunn
[email protected]: Bryan?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's connected or in every server involved in this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so is Kinochet
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and Cow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they are your players
Pit_Viper_Salesman: along with spooky
[email protected]: To me Spooky seems like the smarter out of the bunch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its possible
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then they are some lieutenants
[email protected]: Cow Poly is a troll, Gin basically just gives up his sock if I pretend to not know it or probe him to use the wrong your, Kinochet is just a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: remember when i told you early in the summer when i burned CX that it all fet coordinated?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: felt*
Pit_Viper_Salesman: maybe its multiple groups bouncing off each other
[email protected]: Yeah, there was a cow poly sock on those splinters and it kind of blew out of proportion
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think because i refused to play along with any group i was annoying
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and flam was getting bigger and bigger in the spring
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was regularly crossing k live
[email protected]: Why do they have a hate boner against that retard
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dunno if i told you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it wasn't his step mom that came in his thread
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was his dad
[email protected]: He does undermine the pig and some other commentary community faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i had to talk his dad down from coming back
[email protected]: Right, his dad was acting like a woman
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its where flam clearly gets it from
Pit_Viper_Salesman: can't help himself from running back for another round
Pit_Viper_Salesman: meanwhile
Pit_Viper_Salesman: throughout ALL of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all the swattings
Pit_Viper_Salesman: of Flam, Jim, Vickers, Rekieta
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and while im not supposed to tell anyone
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Gator got hit a lot too
[email protected]: Zoom's tradmark, or rather Path
Pit_Viper_Salesman: obviously thats not a shock
[email protected]: Oh yeah I know
[email protected]: He's told me privately
Pit_Viper_Salesman: good
[email protected]: He did the right thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's good people honestly once he burned fatass
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: either you have the pig and AF at the center of pushing different cells of faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or you have a few cells all bouncing off each other
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but targeting the same people because their fun is getting ruined
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats what has been happening the last -ish months
[email protected]: Someone's gonna blow the lid on this whole thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: well thats why im telling you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hopefully you might be able to nudge people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator told me i can share this to you all
[email protected]: Yeah it was funny to see them constantly eat each other in the chat.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's able to prove and replicate that you can alter a persons viewing history on pron-hub
[email protected]: Hahahahaha that's nice
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he's reviewed the steam data leaks and can prove that the steam shit was opped or bullshit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the problem is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that while all the ops were bullshit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco did just what they wanted
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and lost his fucking mind
[email protected]: The Boy Sopreno thing... is that real?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have no fucking clue
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator believes no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he believes he can prove its not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and the sealed file is exactly what his dad said it was
Pit_Viper_Salesman: heres the real honest truth
[email protected]: Just a DUI or something, kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: after talking is dad down and trying to council him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's come to trust me decently
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not even
[email protected]: It was so inconsequential, I forgot.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the honest truth it
[email protected]: I tried to talk that person down, too bad they don't want to trust me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's way more autistic than he appears
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and essentially we are dealing with someone who's years emotionally and socially behind people his age
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in hich school and growing up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was always lost
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so he was always alone and a sad kid
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so who are some of the people who never judge?
[email protected]: Pft his dad did some PLing for sure...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the weebs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in high school his parents divorced
[email protected]: Right, that's why he became one, to find a sense of belonging
Pit_Viper_Salesman: even in his weird personal ads
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he just really wanted someone to care about him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so the divorce upset him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he would sperg at his mom
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and the school called the state over it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and because its NY
[email protected]: Oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they put his ass in a boys home for a year
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and for a kid like that
[email protected]: Americans are retarded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was probably fucking hell for him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im sure it was a nightmare for an year old in a year old body
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then he went to live with his dad
Pit_Viper_Salesman: tried college, didn't take
Pit_Viper_Salesman: got a job
Pit_Viper_Salesman: got sucked online
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but slowly caught up and started college around when he caught up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's chris chan with a family that pushed him and the awareness he needs to try and integrate
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly hes down very well for himself in that context
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the problem is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when all this blew up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was so fucking embarrased that when he got grilled it came off horribly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and autistically
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then you have salvo who is a goddamn lunatic that saw a bomb ready to be lit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and everyone ran with it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and kinochet, spooky and everyone saw this as a bonus
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and poured more gas on the fire they started
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochet lives in DeOrios server and more than one person tells me he runs gayops for him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: DeOrio and Augie had been planning this
[email protected]: So it does tie into those faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco was always going to be content for the trolls, alogs, discord faggots and the CC
[email protected]: Knew it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yead
[email protected]: Yeah they must have seen the juicy alog bucks and decided to burn him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a huge incestuous faggot ball
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its worse
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so remember when flam was caught on that live stream?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when elijah and destiny went to his college?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Augie came out and spent the weekend hanging out with him and played it like they were best friends
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and told flam how awesome he was
Pit_Viper_Salesman: to a kid who never had friends
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that was huge
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and then they burn him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: of course he melted down
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this was Chris levels of trolling and kick the autistic
[email protected]: They have too much time
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i highly suspect the pig had a hand in all this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flam was starting to get higher daily live
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and Metokur was giving him attention
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there you go
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats the whole web of stupid shit
[email protected]: Yeah makes sense, the pornhub thing can be reproduced
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i hope this is somewhat helpful
Pit_Viper_Salesman: your biggest issue is Kinochet and Spooky unless you want to go right for the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever management of the thread entails, Kinochet will need to be construed as an unreliable faggot, and spooky a psycho
Pit_Viper_Salesman: based on that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: my personal recommendation is the following
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco should be able to produce either people willing to corroborate or discord screenshots proving Kinochet begged and tried to pay his way back into his server
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which is weird since he says only pedos are there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: also i believe gator and haru will confirm kinochet was a long time Killstream ballwasher
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and paypig
[email protected]: Hahahaha he was a paypig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: as for Spooky, I believe Gin will be able to provide a lot of info to prove they are connected to shady shit, theres proof spooky was gina gilloti
Pit_Viper_Salesman: who was a major pusher of the flam narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in the thread
[email protected]: Yeah she's Gina Gilloti
[email protected]: Or he
[email protected]: Actually, he
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a he
[email protected]: kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he is a mental health professional in NY
[email protected]: Another tranny on Discord, shocker
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the discord rebel group is very close to a name
[email protected]: So that's why he's good at gaslighting these freaks
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and possible junkie too
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a whole thing and i take the info given with a grain of salt
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so spooky can be negated
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the augie and deorio thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet is the one that keeps getting them all the flam server leaks
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that was his job for deorio
[email protected]: What is Gin anyway, I kind of like his sperging but I'm just not sure if he's someone trustworthy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't have a ton of knowledge on gin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: what i can tell you is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i had 's identity since the spring and an NDA on her
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yet she trusted me enough to say he's trustworthy and bring him into things
[email protected]: Oh...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever thats worth
Pit_Viper_Salesman: take it for what you will
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i get the sense he's decent
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the thing with
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is gin and others all have / had substance issues
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and she kinda become the den mom to them
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and they needed that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and a weird family thing happened
[email protected]: ... bruh
[email protected]: Internet mummy issues!
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dude i don't fucking know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im just reading the leaves at the bottom of the cup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: my gut says you can trust Gin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but well meaning and well intentioned
Pit_Viper_Salesman: told him and zombo they can trust me completely apparently as they reached out about this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i told them i won't do discord shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and left it there
[email protected]: Hmmm, what if I told you he put a craigslist ad soliciting tooters and druggies to that Ali (person Spectre was trying to help) house for hours?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it wouldn't surprise me
[email protected]: That's nasty and unnecessary
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i wouldn't respect it either
Pit_Viper_Salesman: like i said
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i know very little
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if it was aimed at some IP RV, thats one thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its already junkies and hookers
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it would be a party
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but don't fuck with a kid and his parents
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if he's pulling shit like that i don't support it at all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if he showed up at I JUST LOST NRNamania and ran off with the belt, hilarious
[email protected]: I'm really interested in getting the serial swatter evicted from life
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i agree
[email protected]: If this gets me closer to that, then it's great
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think it will
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or at the very least
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you will eliminate literally everyone
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but zoom and af
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and then you have a target
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is a massive web of shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and again, its why i like being autonomous
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i like talking shit, and if i troll, i fuck with pig directly in a way no one gets hurt and everyone laughs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or i write an Adolwolf OP
Pit_Viper_Salesman: would i send a palette of corn to his house if i saw it for sale, sure
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but not people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or hurtful shit
[email protected]: I really look forward to the next paypig on the roast lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh boy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haru and i have been comparing notes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and it seems good things come when we put our heads together
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
[email protected]: Yeah he's good at this and completely trustworthy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: get flam to give you proof of kinochets bullshit and begging to be in his discord, gator for gayop proof, gin for spooky shit, i think rick will have a bunch on the discord gayop shit, and see if you can prove the different cells around a timeline
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that would be my suggestion
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and lastly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if flam was willing to tell the truth about the sealed filed
Pit_Viper_Salesman: file*
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think between all that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it will clear all this shit up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if you agree i will poke him to do so
[email protected]: Yeah sounds decent, the easiest is to start from the pornhub thing and see their reaction, at least until I find the actual post.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: cool
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh!
Pit_Viper_Salesman: as a palette cleanser for you after all this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so thats gonna look great for a judge
Pit_Viper_Salesman: OH
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and this
[email protected]: Oh no
[email protected]: He's gonna miss child support payment before the blue check, I was right!
[email protected]: kiwifarms.net/threads/flamenco-joshua-clayton-connor./post-
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he is also being forced to show up to court on Dec nd
Pit_Viper_Salesman: for a RO violation against vickers that gator sined affidavits against the pig to prove he did it
[email protected]: Unfortunately the chance of the pornhub thing being doctored is slim
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im betting /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator explains it very well and in detail
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's the man to help there
[email protected]: It will be based on this user being malicious though, which I believe he's not
[email protected]: Unless... unless someone else logged into those accounts to create the history, left it there for another user to discover
[email protected]: Do you believe that? I don't.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but what i think could be
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is he had an account
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and when it was hacked
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they went in and added a bunch of tags by clicking on videos then deleting them but leaving tags
[email protected]: Actually >The last important account I came across was his PornHub. It is fair to note that some anons on /cow/ found it before me. His watch history demonstrates a clear love of fisting, bondage, anal, some weird lip fetish, and even a pegging video.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i def think he is/was a coomer
[email protected]: Nah he definitely is a coomer
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: do i thnk he would hurt a fly or do anything to anyone? no
[email protected]: If people on cow found it first, then the whole thing is up in question.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think he's a sad, lonely autistic kid who went down rabbit holes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but he's def a coomer
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and to be fair
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when it dropped he would pretty much daily joke about it afterwards on streams
Pit_Viper_Salesman: his chat would shit on him and he'd laugh with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he even got pics of his avatar on a little rocking horse as his background
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he owned that fine
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the two real issues were the sealed file and the boy soprano
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the sealed file, kinochet and salvo kept saying it was him raping his sister
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which we know was pulled from thin air
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he manga Gator believes he can discredit as well
Pit_Viper_Salesman: also his thread grew + pages after this came out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats fucking insane
Pit_Viper_Salesman: reading that thread
[email protected]: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its just people every day saying they want him dead over and over and over
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was psycho shit
[email protected]: Yeah their sperging is getting fucking annoying
Pit_Viper_Salesman: discredit spooky and kinochet
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats really where you begin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: sorry for the info dump
[email protected]: Yeah thanks, explains quite a lot.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if you need anything i'd prefer just to deal with you and haru from the sidelines where no one can say CX was connected
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but i'll be happy to help in ways i can
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and with that i need to sleep
Pit_Viper_Salesman: have a good morning/evening sir
[email protected]: Thanks
[email protected]: I just read that document. >Declaration of Christopher Holloman
[email protected]: kek
[email protected]: Karma's a bitch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Lol, yup. December will be a fun month
[email protected]: Heh seemed like questioning some things stirred up a bunch of weirdos.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not shocking
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i see Kinochet felt the need to ban evade
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i reported him just for fun
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and as soon as you post in the Flamenco thread, Kinochet is having a meltdown screaming about me alting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that can't be coincidental
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kino is hella mad
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i was just contacted by Gin, apparently he would like to provide a bunch of gayop info on the cow poly side of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him i want no part and that he needs to directly provide hard evidence of anything to you or regend
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever value you place on the material is up to you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have no idea how reliable or not it is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he believes he can prove the pig directly gave faiths bf's dox to cow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: told him again to give any proof to you guys
Pit_Viper_Salesman: btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thank you for dealing with kino
Pit_Viper_Salesman: his little twitter group is furious with him for dropping my alts and might try and burn him out for it
[email protected]: It's been fun, I actually like Gin, he's always came off as a STEM sperg to me and I like stem spergs (like rick and also Haru).
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: well then that works
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he will be in touch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly as much as I am in the bullshit spin game with marketing / pr, i always got along so much better with STEM nerds myself
Pit_Viper_Salesman: way easier to work with
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and way easier to talk to
Pit_Viper_Salesman: everything is linear to a point and based on information
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i can work with that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its not emotional bullshit
[email protected]: Yeah we're not emotionally sophisticated
[email protected]: Well, most of us aren't. Kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have some interesting stuff when you have a moment
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco and I had a good talk and i've encouraged him to work with you and do a better job at being transparent if only to clear up some of the gay ops, whether he does or not thats on him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all that said we discussed the fact that he would like to just get back to streaming and move on with life
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him offering a show of good faith and that he can have fun would help
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i suggested that Kinochet is one of the main actors, if he could flip all the people around him it should but an end to some of the shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i told him if he didn't want to use his cozy channel anymore he should give the stream keys and info to PodAwful so he could do his own version of Killstream and Kino Casino on cozy and fuck with them all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco gave Jesse the stream keys today
Pit_Viper_Salesman: just wanted to let you know all the hard work will get some kino out of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it seems cleaning up the flam thread is stirring up the Discord fags
[email protected]: Yeah that's some gay Discord shit right there
[email protected]: If he wants to get to the bottom of this, I need to see some form of verifiable stuff, like the discord logs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Yeah, I’ll talk to him tomorrow, I know there are copies of him banning kinochet for actively trying to encourage people to dox tux’s sister who was essentially being raped
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and some other shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Clearly anyone even touching this stuff is stirring up a whole bunch of shit which honestly interests me because, well, it’s fucking flamenco
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I don’t get why he’s so pivotal to so many peoples realities that they need to freak out like this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he’s essentially just an autistic coomer kid
[email protected]: Yeah and got into gross anime shit he should just come clean of and repent
[email protected]: Anime to drawn cp pipeline is real
[email protected]: UNLESS, that was another gayop
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Honestly I think him just owning being into some dirty shit, say he grew up and it was wrong, open the sealed file and tell the rest they can fuck off is the best move
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i'll push him a bit tomorrow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: interesting thing btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: last week a lot of Flamenco's videos started getting flagged
Pit_Viper_Salesman: CECA Loather is known Plate, correct?
[email protected]: No idea, he's a spergy Chinaman.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Ha. Did you get my KF message
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Not sure what I sent has value or not but I think it might be worthwhile background context
[email protected]: Saw it.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: If this doesn't scream gayops...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they are gonna launch their Flamenco gayop
Pit_Viper_Salesman: looks like they went a very different route, haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im happy to be wrong
Pit_Viper_Salesman: here we go
Pit_Viper_Salesman: btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: heres a link to the audio kino is using to chop up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: did KF just shit the bed for you?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey you around?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Is KF down?