OMG, where to start...
I watched this video where Youtuber Dylan Burns - a German-American gay man from Maryland who started out as a Twitch streamer but is right now embedded with a de-mining crew in Ukraine shooting a documentary about their work - reads an agitprop long-tweet by Medvedev:
There's a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukranian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU's arthritis-crippled neck. That'll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.
Actually, it's the ECB banksters who are going to be the blood sucking parasites in this story. They are the ones looking foward to attaching themselves to the neck of Ukraine, which they will do if it joins the EU. The ECB banksters want Ukraine to become a part of the EU so they can kill it with loans and austerity just like they did with the PIGS during the last economic crisis. Corrupt Ukrainian kleptocrats want that sweet ECB loan sharkloan money too much to care about the long-term consequences of later having to sell off their resources on the cheap to the ECB.
Oh, and Dylan doesn't know how to pronounce "favelas", which he pronounces as "vee-walls".
It's interesting to me how Null was posting about America not being a democracy, just as one of his favourite Russian Youtuber, NFKRZ aka Roman, puts out a video attacking the racist notion that Russians aren't fit to live under a democracy because they supposedly have an inferior "slave gene" which means they only want an authoritarian dictator to worship and blindly follow:
Null still doesn't understand that NFKRZ actually can't stand people like him.
I guess Null is gonna unsubscribe once he learns that Roman openly identifies as "a leftist" and "a socialist democrat":
This comment shown here:
... is what I feel Null is doing when he paints a picture of the US
as "a kind of an evil fantasy kingdom", like in the comment above and on his website generally. Null too, through his website, paints a picture of the US being purely Lynchian, populated by white trash degenerates and assorted village idiots,
"this bleak place where people aren't normal and don't do normal, recognizable things". KF really does reflect Null's hatred of America as "a dead gay Goon country", just as he's clearly homesick and misses the US, openly fantasizing on MATI about someday going back to buy a plot of land and "disappear".