INb4 Ashley swoops in to call these ugly fucks "conventionally attractive".
Actually they just have masculinized features probably because in some cases they transitioned too late, which is why it's important teens have access to puberty blockers and mental healthcare that allows them to discuss and think about themselves in a therapeutic setting so the process can start early. A lot of them can't afford facial surgery to get it corrected. Some of them probably just started HRT and you have no idea how that works and you're an incurious and invalid waste of time intellectually so I won't even bother. Some of them pass as women just fine and are just overweight. A couple aren't trans at all and and it's actually a photo of a cross dresser which is an entirely different textbook thing from transwomen.
This is what rational, socialized adults think when they see something that seems out of place aesthetically, they don't hunch over a big spread of pictures of people that are offensive to them because it's socially different grunting and pissing like an ape at ugly=teh funy. One main reason why dead eyed low IQ sadists and perverts like you and Joshua Moon will never have a relationship with a human and you're specifically going to remain a drunk ostracized from love or connection with anyone else the rest of your life. Just something to consider in case when the DMT floods your brain at the end it triggers an epiphany asking why your life sucked so much even if you spent it in a delusional bubble telling yourself it was awesome and everything you do is awesome.
Collecting a bunch of boring pictures of strangers and obsessing about them probably has something to do with the fact every Kiwi Farms denizen I've ever seen is ugly by their own standards. Just a pale, physically malignant and obnoxious group that also have a lot of gender-based anxiety about themselves as fat unmasculine nerds and the women became TERFs for the same reasons. None of you can simply relax in your own skin so there has to an eternal target of ridicule.
INb4 Ashley swoops in to call these ugly fucks "conventionally attractive".
Also if you're delusional enough to say Contrapoints is ugly and mannish you're just a crypto fetishist not hiding it very well and like most of KF you jacked off to thoughts of keffals domming you before now.
INb4 Ashley swoops in to call these ugly fucks "conventionally attractive".
Along this line I have to imagine what a guy like this would say to his middle aged wife who, idk had to get a masectomy because of breast cancer and now has a big ugly scar where her tit used to be. Because I know what my husband would do in that situation because I trust him. Or gained weight due to pregnancy and postpartum. Thankfully we don't have arranged marriages so no human female has to suffer through those common scenarios of physical deformity and change with this slug.