I'm off today and it's 8:30 in the morning. I've been drunk since last night. Ol ching chong is asleep in the bedroom passed out cuz the little tiny chiney hiney can't handle her liquor but I just bought another dirty 30 for when she wakes up so she can drink with me. (I mean in all fairness don't judge her too harshly she's more than a foot shorter than me and well over 100 pounds lighter than me lol)
This is the official drunk post thread. When your blood alcohol content is above the legal limit you post here. Just you know don't do anything stupid like dox yourself or give out spoilers to Beetlejuice 2
This is the official drunk post thread. When your blood alcohol content is above the legal limit you post here. Just you know don't do anything stupid like dox yourself or give out spoilers to Beetlejuice 2