(AKA the sharty) is an online imageboard dedicated towards development of the soyical arts (soy duels, soy quotes, soy spam) ETC. Despite being a fun place to post soys and act like an unhinged schizo it has faced a myraid of issues, mainly CP spam from discord faggots like goth#8929.
By his own admission he has been spamming bait and switch images of a baby being raped and murdered (known in the community as Dancing Swede .mp4) for the past several months in order to get a rise out of helpless soyteens.
These are screenshots from his shitcord, which surprisingly has a public invite link. It is full of the usual degeneracy.
In addition to this the sharty has its own host of obnoxious tripfags like Yuri Kuznetsov (or kuz for short). Kuz is the owner of several major Russian image boards and attempted to buy out the sharty from soot. When this failed he started a splincter site. But this only lasted for about a day as he sperged out at soot and leaked the IPs of people criticizing him (screenshots soon)
He is also very paranoid at times and believes that goth is intentionally stalking the sites he visits and is part of a swedish cult
There is some truth to this however since goth has an unhealthy and strange relationship with kuz. He constantly mentions kuz in his posts either because he knows it will stir up shit or because he is in love with him in some sick way.
The only good namefag on the sharty is Kool Young Soot (Some of you on kiwi farms know him as Vinluv Handesbukia). He requested to be in this thread because he is an attentionwhore. SID will always be a gem
Unfortunately he has been unfairly persecuted by jannies. #VATHgate
ITT Discuss related dramacoal
By his own admission he has been spamming bait and switch images of a baby being raped and murdered (known in the community as Dancing Swede .mp4) for the past several months in order to get a rise out of helpless soyteens.
These are screenshots from his shitcord, which surprisingly has a public invite link. It is full of the usual degeneracy.
In addition to this the sharty has its own host of obnoxious tripfags like Yuri Kuznetsov (or kuz for short). Kuz is the owner of several major Russian image boards and attempted to buy out the sharty from soot. When this failed he started a splincter site. But this only lasted for about a day as he sperged out at soot and leaked the IPs of people criticizing him (screenshots soon)
He is also very paranoid at times and believes that goth is intentionally stalking the sites he visits and is part of a swedish cult
There is some truth to this however since goth has an unhealthy and strange relationship with kuz. He constantly mentions kuz in his posts either because he knows it will stir up shit or because he is in love with him in some sick way.
The only good namefag on the sharty is Kool Young Soot (Some of you on kiwi farms know him as Vinluv Handesbukia). He requested to be in this thread because he is an attentionwhore. SID will always be a gem
Unfortunately he has been unfairly persecuted by jannies. #VATHgate
ITT Discuss related dramacoal