But I'm talking about after everybody settles down and the new president is one of the old ones.
What are some of the predictions that you guys are thinking will happen if Trump/Biden wins?
Same shit. Either of them will continue to "build the wall" and use the illegal spic issue as a virtue signal. Either will continue bullshit policies designed to appease the shareholders (including Israel). Neither will do anything that is beneficial to the American taxpayer.
If Trump wins and he's still free to take office, the government will probably put the criminal cases on hold until after he's out of office, assuming he hasn't died of Big Mac poisoning. He will almost certainly try to retaliate against the judges and prosecutors involved in these cases. He will probably go out of his way to undo as much of Biden's doings as possible, but in a way that only makes things worse, not better. He may or may not "cut" taxes for the working man again. He will absolutely overrule an expert and mislead the American public on something serious in a completely retarded and very public way (remember Sharpiegate?) and his social media will once again be the best and most up to date source of news on Presidential happenings. About the only good thing I can think of that he might attempt is to remove California's ability to regulate emissions via CARB, but if he does he will almost certainly fail. He will get impeached at least one more time, but probably not removed.
If Biden wins, expect more of the same as the past four years, except, COVID is old news now, and he's not facing re-election this time so he's got nothing to lose. Expect many more billions of your tax dollars to go straight to Israel and Ukraine. He will probably hike taxes in a way that screws over the working man. Not much changes as the administration is on autopilot for another 4 years assuming he lives that long.
There is a growing number of people who hate them both, but we (people who hate the both) don't matter because niggercattle still vastly outnumber us.
Obviously if Biden wins he's not going to live all four years in office so Kamala becomes president? What kind of catastrophe would that be?
Ah yes, Kamala Harris, the "black" woman who, during her time working as a prosecutor, put a bunch of innocent people in prison becasuse she knew it would advance her career. I don't know much else about her, but I kinda doubt she's up for the job. Obama's wife would make a better President, and that's considering the fact that she absolutely fucking hates the Presidential life and (far as I know) has no experience holding political office.