Let me introduce you to Simon Ekpa, a Finnish Politician, Rabble Rouser, possible grifter and quite possibly the biggest political lolcow in Nigerian History. It's hard to know where to begin with this guy.
First of all the nitty gritty:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Ekpa
His X.com account https://x.com/simon_ekpa
Biafra Government in Exile: https://x.com/BiafraRGIE
His government office in Finland:
Is that an Israeli flag? Yes it is. There was a civil war in Nigeria from 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970 by the secessionist state of Biafra who wanted to form their own country.
Nigerian Civil War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigerian_Civil_War
Why? Well, it's complicated but basically the Igbo ethnic group in Nigeria were resented in the predominately Muslim northern part of the country. During the time that Nigeria was a British colony British missionaries brought Christianity to Nigeria along with education and colonial industrialization. The Igbo accepted this, ethnic groups in the Muslim north such as the Hausa did not. The Igbo came to dominate the colonial economy and as a result, they were resented by a lot of ethnic groups.
Anti Igbo Sentiment: https://www.africanliberty.org/2023...uspicion,individuals from other ethnic groups.
Anti Igbo Sentiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Igbo_sentiment
Anyway, the government won the civil war by imposing a military blockade in the breakaway region and then starved the people into surrender in one of the worst manmade famines in recent history:
This infamous picture was the result of the blockade by the Nigerian government against the Biafra separatists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_Biafra
Remember the Israeli flag that you saw in the picture? Well Israel was balls deep in this dirty war basically playing both sides (helping the Nigerian government while also helping to arm the Biafran rebels: https://www.thecable.ng/revealed-ho...-nigeria-and-biafra-in-civil-war-double-game/
It was an effective diversion from its activities in Palestine during this period.
Now that we've got some of the historical background let's turn to Simon Ekpa our man of the hour and the "Prime Minister" of the Biafra Republic
His X.com account: https://x.com/simon_ekpa
His website: https://www.biafrarepublicgov.org/
You see that address in Baltimore, MD at the bottom of the page: Here is their office suite in Baltimore.
A charter member of the Organization of Emerging African States: Wow sounds impressive until you dig a little deeper.
The OEAS is a private charitable organzation registered as a non-profit corporation in Washington DC. It is an NGO (Non-government organization)
To know the difference: Here is the website of the African Union: https://au.int/
This is an intergovernmental organization and is recognized as such. The OEAS isn't.
Fix your damn website:
So where does the OEAS hold its meetings?
On Hilton Head, SC at a private home
Here is there address:
Simon Ekpa Happy Dance:
You can be invited to one of their fundraiser zoom meetings on x.com
Trying out their app at a radio station I am assuming in Finland
Biafra Lobbyist Washington DC
A written resolution by the OEAS: He has grifting down to a science.
They prefer Nigeria not Biafra
First of all the nitty gritty:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Ekpa
His X.com account https://x.com/simon_ekpa
Biafra Government in Exile: https://x.com/BiafraRGIE
Since 2009, Ekpa has worked in the legal field, including as a legal advisor. However, Ekpa is not an attorney in Finland and does not represent his own clients in court. Ekpa became familiar with the legal field while on internship at his ex-wife's law office.
Ekpa has stated that he is an expert, a legal advisor, and has a Master of Law (LLM) degree from the Welsh Aberystwyth University, but upon inquiry by Yle, the university didn't give any information about the degree. Ekpa has no apparent lower or higher legal degree.
His government office in Finland:
Is that an Israeli flag? Yes it is. There was a civil war in Nigeria from 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970 by the secessionist state of Biafra who wanted to form their own country.
Nigerian Civil War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigerian_Civil_War
Why? Well, it's complicated but basically the Igbo ethnic group in Nigeria were resented in the predominately Muslim northern part of the country. During the time that Nigeria was a British colony British missionaries brought Christianity to Nigeria along with education and colonial industrialization. The Igbo accepted this, ethnic groups in the Muslim north such as the Hausa did not. The Igbo came to dominate the colonial economy and as a result, they were resented by a lot of ethnic groups.
Anti Igbo Sentiment: https://www.africanliberty.org/2023...uspicion,individuals from other ethnic groups.
Anti Igbo Sentiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Igbo_sentiment
Anyway, the government won the civil war by imposing a military blockade in the breakaway region and then starved the people into surrender in one of the worst manmade famines in recent history:
This infamous picture was the result of the blockade by the Nigerian government against the Biafra separatists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_Biafra
Remember the Israeli flag that you saw in the picture? Well Israel was balls deep in this dirty war basically playing both sides (helping the Nigerian government while also helping to arm the Biafran rebels: https://www.thecable.ng/revealed-ho...-nigeria-and-biafra-in-civil-war-double-game/
It was an effective diversion from its activities in Palestine during this period.
Now that we've got some of the historical background let's turn to Simon Ekpa our man of the hour and the "Prime Minister" of the Biafra Republic
His X.com account: https://x.com/simon_ekpa
His website: https://www.biafrarepublicgov.org/
You see that address in Baltimore, MD at the bottom of the page: Here is their office suite in Baltimore.
A charter member of the Organization of Emerging African States: Wow sounds impressive until you dig a little deeper.
The OEAS is a private charitable organzation registered as a non-profit corporation in Washington DC. It is an NGO (Non-government organization)
To know the difference: Here is the website of the African Union: https://au.int/
This is an intergovernmental organization and is recognized as such. The OEAS isn't.
Fix your damn website:
So where does the OEAS hold its meetings?
On Hilton Head, SC at a private home
Here is there address:
Simon Ekpa Happy Dance:
You can be invited to one of their fundraiser zoom meetings on x.com
Trying out their app at a radio station I am assuming in Finland
Biafra Lobbyist Washington DC
A written resolution by the OEAS: He has grifting down to a science.
They prefer Nigeria not Biafra