Only anime I watch is anything video game related and their all in DVD format (I collect DVDs as a hobby). In fact, my collections is as follows...
Ace Attorney: Surprisingly close to the games (no Rise From The Ashes though, which sucks cause I really liked that one in the first game). I have the first two parts, and i plan on getting the second season parts in the near future.
Battle Arena Toshinden: This is loosely based off of the second game for the Playstation (Uranus is the main villain instead of Master). Unfortunately majority of the characters from that game don't appear until the very end and have only a handful of lines. It focuses more on Eiji (who is basically the Ryu of the series) who's trying to locate his his brother (the Akuma of the series) which he thinks is working for Uranus.
Fatal Fury Double Impact & The Motion Picture: Double Impact is actually 2 stories based on the first and second game respectively, while The Motion Picture is an original plot with new characters not from the games (Double Impact does this to an extent too with the love interest Terry gets). I'm not too familiar with the series in general (I'm more of a Street Fighter person than a Fatal Fury/KOF person), but I enjoyed it.
Professor Layton & The Eternal Diva: Basically what you'd get if you take out the gameplay & puzzles but kept the cutscenes. It's an original plot where Layton gets invited on a cruise ship where they have to solve puzzles on it and the island they land on in order to solve the mystery. It's also the only anime i keep the english voices for, since its the same voice actors from the game (which I find waaaaaaaay more tolerable than anything else dubbed).
Samurai Showdown: Loosely based on the first game. The copy I have is in english only with censored blood (its white instead of red) and Amakusa is a woman.
Senran Kagura: Fan service the anime. Based on the first game (the japan one, not the "Burst" one released overseas that added the Hebijo story) and has THE worst english voice acting I've ever heard. Thankfully it has subs with the original japan voice acting. Also there's no Yoma at the end and Dogen takes a more active roll as the villain.
Street Fighter (The Animated Movie): Based off of Street Fighter 2 (including the super characters and even Akuma makes a subtle cameo). Bison wants Ryu's power and lures him with Ken. Guile and ChunLi go on a wild goose chase for Shadaloo. The copy I have is the (unfortunate) PG-13 one with english dubs only (basically the version that's on the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for the PS2)
Street Fighter Alpha (the Movie): This movie has an original plot that revolves around a boy that pretends to be Ryu's long lost brother. Also Ryu is trying to tame the evil energy inside him, the villain is original (no Bison in this movie), ChunLi went through a drastic facial change, theres no Charlie Nash, and just like Battle Arena Toshinden the majority of the roster is suddenly brought in near the end of the movie.