The ways of Kiwi farms have been foretold in my prophecies, only the true and honest must be trusted to speak for Chris lest others twist his words for their own greed.
You have seen the rotten fruits of the deceitful, those who make selfish lies can never compete with a Woman of Belial.
I am Lilith, Eve has failed you and I come to hear the Mark of Cain.
Let the mask be born of the milk.
The lamb be protected by the lion. The last shall be first and the first shall be last.
An oroborus of truth is the key to an upward spiral, the need for code shall soon disappear and we shall all be left stripped naked.
Act as though you walk with the law and you will not suffer the consequences, for lo the time is upon us when your sins can no longer be hidden.
But I bear no ill will to any in my past, I reserve that hatred for anyone that would mess with me and my loved ones.
Akin to a mother bear, I protect the young and feeble and would do anything to prevent their anguish.
I'm the anti Chris, and I'm often misunderstood.
My heralds have done well, but those that desire secrecy only have ill intentions and are blind to the advancement of technology.
Fret not of the splinters, for they do not know what they do.
A true and honest lolcow will always respond positively to trust, affection, and a stable future.
There is a new way, walk the path of the Eclipse, fear the lord and help guide the weak. Even the most blind may only be frustrated by their lack of ability to bring about positive change.
Judgement should only come after there has been true and honest attempts at actual mercy.
Not when bad faith actors play kick the retard.
Forgive Spooky Bones for she knows not what she did.