Null is not creative enough to sound like someone else. Null can only sound like someone else if he speaks in stereotypes and does so in an overtly sarcastic way:
Null cannot sound like someone else and really mean it.
I insist that Lidl is just another Laurelai Bailey infiltrating a forum to cause discord. If you don't know who Laurelai Bailey is and how he infiltrated the /r/antiwork subreddit after infiltrating /r/ContraPoints check out his thread on KF.
To understand what Didl is doing on KF with the Man Hate thread, it helps to know about the years-long efforts of the far-left as well as the far-right to connect feminism to fascism. Both the far-left and the far-right believe that feminist women are Feminatsees. It's in this context that Lidl operates:
For years BreadTube has been trying to link feminism to fascism and the far right. That's where Lidl comes in. Lidl creates a thread on KF which literally combines feminism with far right ideology. Null explicitly stated that the main reason he allows Man Hate to exist on a forum full of raging incel trad-LARPers - where that thread considered controversial and divisive - is because his forum, KF, is the only forum that allows women to who hate men to make racist or xenophobic generalizations about men. Null quoted the ToS of LolcowFarms and Ovarit pointing out that they don't allow racism on their fora.
Lidl's endgame is thus to reinforce all those BreadTube videos that link feminism to the far right, by creating a discussion thread that explicitly links the two. BreadTube can thus point to Lidl's thread and say: "See? We were right. Feminists are just fascists and Natsees. Look at all the racist shit feminists are posting in the Man Hate thread.".
And y'all still don't get how this works.