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Because it is Josh or a mod doing it at Josh's request. It doesn't really make sense that there is this user that keeps causing problems which Josh hates, sucks up to Josh and follows him around the farms which Josh also hates.

People don't get banned for saying Lidl is Josh's GF they get banned for saying LIdl is a troon or Josh. Null seems to have no problem with people thinking its his GF he DOES have a problem with people thinking Lidl is him.
I ran across something interesting regarding transgender people in Serbia: https://balkaninsight.com/2024/04/2...r-non-binary-serbs-detail-job-discrimination/

If Josh gets really upset over speculation that Lidi is transgender, I am wondering if Josh is dating a transgendered individual or an effeminate gay male in real life over in Serbia. He can't really bring his relationship out in the open in Serbia because there are still discrimination issues over in Serbia.

Josh is sort of a recluse and he is out of his element in a foreign country. Imagine if someone got pictures of him with his significant other while out at a restaurant or something. Suppose it came out that he was in a gay relationship or in a relationship with someone that is transgendered. Imagine the fallout from Kiwifarms on this.
>TFW Null won't give up the keys to the Premium Wallonian Poesje Klub
WTF Null some of us could use a GF plus I bet that shit tastes like chocolate and waffles. C'mon man tell us how to get a Belgian GF.
I have been watching MATI and he doesn't bring up any whataburger gf's, at least not in the recent ones I watched. He does talk a lot about whataburger cause people for some reason send in superchats to hear "stories" as if that's interesting at all.

That's because you are too autistic to put yourself in someone elses shoes. Thankfully I am not so let me explain. Josh sees Lidl through rose-colored glasses. He doesn't see the annoying shit-stirring feminist that everyone else sees. He sees his girlfriend who gives him the pussy. He will see whatever situation she is in as her being unfairly harassed by mean /pol/tards who make her sad, he has to fix her being sad to continue getting the pussy. It's simple as that. This has happened to many men throughout history and it's why Idubbbz and Anisa are such an apt comparison.
That's my point: out of all the users on that site, I have never seen him once so quickly rush to aid and defend them. That alone is such a high red flag. If somebody can point to another example of when he showed any interest in helping out a user, please let me know? (Or, alternatively: If somebody can point to another example of when he showed any interest in helping out a user, I'd like to know.
I ran across something interesting regarding transgender people in Serbia: https://balkaninsight.com/2024/04/2...r-non-binary-serbs-detail-job-discrimination/

If Josh gets really upset over speculation that Lidi is transgender, I am wondering if Josh is dating a transgendered individual or an effeminate gay male in real life over in Serbia. He can't really bring his relationship out in the open in Serbia because there are still discrimination issues over in Serbia.

Josh is sort of a recluse and he is out of his element in a foreign country. Imagine if someone got pictures of him with his significant other while out at a restaurant or something. Suppose it came out that he was in a gay relationship or in a relationship with someone that is transgendered. Imagine the fallout from Kiwifarms on this.
That's an excellent point let's say lidldick isn't giving him pussy but rather giving him bussy. Why that would get an American in Russia thrown right into the gulags now wouldn't it.
Maybe once you get your first girlfriend you will be able to understand the obvious clues.
I don't know how he don't see it? There's been countless examples given where he materializes out of nowhere for the sake of M'lady's Honor.

The power of that pussy/bussy compels him!
Where is Wildchild when the site needs her most?
"I oppose the niggerifcation of white women." Sounds like something null would say. Women who are against huge lips still get filler, you can get even a quarter syringe.
The point is an anti ageing effect due to volume loss with age, not to look like a nigger. It stimulates collagen production too. He'd know that if he was actually a woman.
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Where is Wildchild when the site needs her most?

"I oppose the niggerifcation of white women." Sounds like something null would say. Women who are against huge hips still get filler, you can get even a quarter syringe. The point is an anti ageing effect due to volume loss with age, not to look like a nigger. He'd know that if he was actually a woman.
I'll readily admit I have reservations about lidldick status as a woman. As she has oddies concerning her text habits.
I just dont see it, if Null was getting his dick sucked he wouldn't be freaking out over cheese or doom posting about the greer case or anything he whines about daily. He's less happy than ever.
BPD troubles… The pussy giveth the pussy taketh. Also getting laid wouldn't solve him being a turbo-sped.
BPD troubles… The pussy giveth the pussy taketh. Also getting laid wouldn't solve him being a turbo-sped.
Not really convincing. It would still seem more likely given Null's history of socking, Lidl's knowledge of Josh's history and the similarity in their posting style that it is just Josh running a sock.

A virgin like Null getting puss for the first time would definitely be under a euphoric spell lol. He wouldn't be so damn mad all the time at least
A virgin like Null getting puss for the first time would definitely be under a euphoric spell lol. He wouldn't be so damn mad all the time at least
Maybe if you ever get a girlfriend you will realize that women add as many problems to your life as they solve and sex doesn't magically cure your issues.

If Lidl was a tranny she'd be constantly talking about sucking cock, getting headpats, having sexy slumberparty make-out sessions and all that other shit trannies always talk about. They are constantly horny on main and get caught sending their hrt moobs to people in DMs. They can't actually keep up an act of being a woman and they sure as shit aren't prudes who get offended at tits in movies and videogames like Lidl.
If Lidl was a tranny she'd be constantly talking about sucking cock, getting headpats, having sexy slumberparty make-out sessions and all that other shit trannies always talk about. They are constantly horny on main and get caught sending their hrt moobs to people in DMs. They can't actually keep up an act of being a woman and they sure aren't prudes who get offended at tits in movies and videogames like Lidl.
Nigga have you seen how much lidl talks about rape and incest and pedo shit????
But women DO magically agree with your every opinion, at all times, down to the most minute detail. Thanks Casanova, gonna go out and get me a woman right now.
I'm learning so much here today. I just know I won't be a virgin much longer. Oh here's a lady right now "Ma'am would you like to hear about how TPTB want to turn us all into a huddling brown mass too retarded to fight back?"
She's a rabid feminist and they believe all men are rapists and child molesters. Post a single post of Lidl acting horny, I'll wait. She's the most prudish dry cunt I have ever seen.
Such a "rabid feminist", that they have completely co opted the personality of a famed internet incel, incels being the long time ally of the feminist.
Reason: engrish
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I will never get over how a site that hates trans ppl, FUCKING HAS TRANS PPL ON THERE ...THERE
Yeah and some of them are mods (Wtf)
Not really convincing. It would still seem more likely given Null's history of socking, Lidl's knowledge of Josh's history and the similarity in their posting style that it is just Josh running a sock.

A virgin like Null getting puss for the first time would definitely be under a euphoric spell lol. He wouldn't be so damn mad all the time at least
I'm not convinced of this how would he keep this larp straight?
Nigga have you seen how much lidl talks about rape and incest and pedo shit????
BPD bitches are crazy, have seen the gooner leaks?
But women DO magically agree with your every opinion, at all times, down to the most minute detail. Thanks Casanova, gonna go out and get me a woman right now.