Seeing as every few months kf jannies involve themselves in embarrassing drama, they deserve their own watch thread. Of course, not every kf mod is a cow (yet), but more then half exhibit cowish qualities. Here is a list of all kf moderators, current and former, with a brief rundown of their traits. Tell me if I missed someone or something:
Current mods
- Nattō/Jose Mourinho, JSGOTI, Damian, Meowthkip , wagglyplacebo, Randall Fragg, Cosmos, Dunsparce - Some of the oldest mods and admins, rarely complained about. Keep a low profile and do their unpaid work. Nothing embarrassing has yet to surface about them but anyone willing to stick with Null for so long must have something wrong with them
- The American Hedgehog - Old School CWCki sperg, doesn't go outside the CWC subforum where he continues to document everything Chris says and does. I guess everyone needs a hobby
- Okkervils - JY mod. By her own admission doesn't do much. Has more or less left the site due to disagreements with Null
- Gustav Schuchardt - Retarded politisperg with no sense of humor, A&H regular. Fortunately only brooms the Gunt subforum which is a heap of shit anyway so one bad jannie more or less doesn't matter
- AltisticRight - Another shit Gunt jannie. Pretty much exactly like above, except he took it upon himself to defend Null's penis when those dang dirty trolls dared insult it
- Trombonista - Proud jewess, continues to work and simp for Null in spite of him making it very clear at every opportunity that he hates both jews and women EDIT: Trombonista and Dunsparce got doxed by a tard lol
- Catch your breath - new thread reviewer, generally helpful, don't involve themselves with drama
- REGENDarySumanai - chronically unemployed weeb, a-logs MovieBlob and various weeb wars figures
- Secret Asshole - Retarded politisperg with no sense of humor, A&H mod. Takes part in gay right wing safe spaces, shielded his gay friends from getting a deserved halaling. EDIT: He seems to have a compulsive need to defend lolicon
- It's HK-47 - Politisperg and trumpist, A&H mod. In spite of this he's relatively reasonable and has a sense of humor, rarely complained about
- Crunklord420 - Fascist conspiratard tranny, in love with Null (yes, seriously), programmer who shills his shitty games and other projects on imageboards. Pretends to be business and cryptocurrecy expert because he browses /biz/. For details see here
- Slav Power - Fat gay Polish furry in love with Null (again, seriously). Likes to discuss his love of gay furry porn in chat. One of Null's most incessant whiteknights
- Cogsdev - Tranny commie, founder of the original CWCki Forums. Hasn't had anything to do with the site since it became KF
- AnOminous - Failed lawyer with anger issues, obese, spends every waking hour on the site, appears to have no life. He's generally well liked because he has a sense of humor and a heart of gold ?(though these might just be layers of cholesterol). Quit in 2016 when null allowed the site to be overrun with trumptards and other politispergs
- Feline Darkmage - Tranny janny, uwu catgirl, fast food wagie and shut in. They were one of Null's closest friends for a while presumably because Josh wanted that bussy. Quit after KF was overrun with far-right politics
- OwO what's this? - Hypersexual autistic furry, allegedly female (highly disputed), Null's crush. Completely incompetent, remembered as the worst mod in site history, was only made one to begin with because Null wanted to fuck them. Left the site to focus on real life
- Emspex - Women (female), another massive crush of Null's. She was for the longest time his closest confidante and people person (i.e. she translated his autistic fits to the general public, basically his public relations manager). Left after the great leaks of 2019
- Save Twinkie!/Twinkie - Yet another crush of Null's (seeing a pattern here?), seemed relatively normal until one day she threw a fit because people were making fun of her friend with cancer. On a site made for mocking people. She then got it in her head that there was some kind of discord gay op dedicated to trolling her and went crying to Null. Enraged that anyone would mess with his gorl, Null went on a banning spree. Eventually even he realized she's hysterical (and won't fuck him) so he demodded her. She left the site soon after
- vertexwindi - One of the better mods. Leaked the inane twinkie drama to the public because he was dissatisfied with the direction Null was taking the site in. Fired
- Yawning Sneasel/Daisymae - Perverted diaper fag, fat ugly submissive transvestite, fetish queen, Tommie Tooter's gay lover. Quit so he could dedicate more time to his diaper fetish
- Zedkissed60 - Dox fiend, serial negrater, bane of trannies. Demodded and later banned for making fun of Null
- CIA Nigger - seemed to be one of the more normal mods until he tried to delete his furry friend's thread for which he was fired. Recently revealed to be a degenerate furry with a fetish for anthropomorphic planes. Also ugly af
- THOTto and Kamov Ka-52 - Husband and wife tag team. Kamov never did much but THOTto was a massive a-log of Amberlynn, Chantal and other deathfats. Because she couldn't keep her fat mouth shut, she got both of them doxed as morbidly obese pill-popping white thrash welfare leaches. Quit and left the site
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