HarleyTBS, Powerword: Harley Tatum, is an Britfag YouTuber that makes commentary videos from his young age, I unfortunately share a birth month within 7 days after his. Anyways, he's involved with people like Nickalous Oreo and Tommy C. He actually hung around those two when he was a minor (Not in real life though). He's mostly popular for his Loli Defending Arguments.
The Loli Video was removed because the idiot thought he can truly delete shit off the internet. But basically he brags about doing a lot of research and what not. Even though he almost never does research and always jump on a bandwagon like other view whores out there. Funny thing about Harley Tatum is that he also falsely accused Antoons for being a pedo. Yup, and when he doesn't get his way, Britfag basically claims people are in support of his groomers. Like WHAT THE FUCK.
Recently, he accused a minor and me of going to his server and sending gore. The minor was known to make videos of him calling him out like any other CC, I am not issuing names, but basically he shat on Harley for allowing minors access to NSFW material via the Mudae bot. Then some retard went ahead and sent gore to his server, and he went to the conclusion that the minor was to blame.
I have no screenshots since the whole drama was now pointless, but. I have A LOT of hornyposting on his Twitter.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/harleytbs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/harleytbsyt
Reddit; r/HarleyTBS
The Loli Video was removed because the idiot thought he can truly delete shit off the internet. But basically he brags about doing a lot of research and what not. Even though he almost never does research and always jump on a bandwagon like other view whores out there. Funny thing about Harley Tatum is that he also falsely accused Antoons for being a pedo. Yup, and when he doesn't get his way, Britfag basically claims people are in support of his groomers. Like WHAT THE FUCK.
Recently, he accused a minor and me of going to his server and sending gore. The minor was known to make videos of him calling him out like any other CC, I am not issuing names, but basically he shat on Harley for allowing minors access to NSFW material via the Mudae bot. Then some retard went ahead and sent gore to his server, and he went to the conclusion that the minor was to blame.
I have no screenshots since the whole drama was now pointless, but. I have A LOT of hornyposting on his Twitter.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/harleytbs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/harleytbsyt
Reddit; r/HarleyTBS