Deleted member 291
>The year is 202X
>peace has mostly returned to the world after the GODZILLA WARS
>suddenly a GIANT RABBIT burrows up from underground
>Tanks shells, artillery rounds, airstrikes all bounce off him
>Big chungus has already penis vored half of tokyo-3
>in the innermost chamber lies GODZILLA
>he grabs big chungus by the cock and hurls him at the nearest bulding
>things are looking bad for chungus
>the eggheads in mission control begin to cheer
>dust cloud clears
>End of trailer
>who will win???
>peace has mostly returned to the world after the GODZILLA WARS
>suddenly a GIANT RABBIT burrows up from underground
Eh whats up doc?
>The armed forces are calledEh whats up doc?
>Tanks shells, artillery rounds, airstrikes all bounce off him
>Big chungus has already penis vored half of tokyo-3
God damn is there anything we can do?! The rascally rabbit just wont die!
I might have an idea colonel.....
>The colonel is led deep underground into a massive bunkerGod damn is there anything we can do?! The rascally rabbit just wont die!
I might have an idea colonel.....
>in the innermost chamber lies GODZILLA
But How?! Godzilla died 5 years ago...
Well that wasnt exactly the case... the basterd is damn hard to kill. Some things had to be covered up for the good of the public. but to fight a monster we need a monster!
>Godzilla is released into the townBut How?! Godzilla died 5 years ago...
Well that wasnt exactly the case... the basterd is damn hard to kill. Some things had to be covered up for the good of the public. but to fight a monster we need a monster!
>he grabs big chungus by the cock and hurls him at the nearest bulding
>things are looking bad for chungus
>the eggheads in mission control begin to cheer
>dust cloud clears
Its not over yet doc! not yet!
>BIG CHUNGUS lets out a roar as he ejaculates a massive 18 wheeler gasoline tanker right into godzillas faceIts not over yet doc! not yet!
>End of trailer
>who will win???