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@TheycallmeDSP, The scummy let’s player with a hate mob fueled by autism

Battle of Brainiac

Janny disrespecter
Registered Member
This is a placeholder for the future DSP thread. Ill be slowly adding everything from his hayday times to more relevant stuff(when I get a chance too) as well as probably things involving his most prominent groups of fans and detractors such as The Sons of Kojima, Tevin, BrightsideViking, etc.

Post what ya got if you want to contribute. Thanks.

The first DSP thread over on kiwi farms hit 10,000 pages recently.
imeline of "General Discussion":
2013: [1-15] (#1 to #291)
2014: [15-58] (#292 to #1158)
2015: [58-278] (#1159 to #5541)
2016: [278-878] (#5542 to #17553)
2017: [878-2097] (#17554 to #41935)
2018: [2097-3963] (#41936 to #79248)
2019: [3963-5048] (#79249 to Current)
2020: [5048-6491]
2021: [6491-present]
(contributed by @neural)
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FWIW, the SRK Wiki is still using his competitive takes on Blanka from Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (Archive). Keep in mind that the wiki got revamped recently and DSP is still considered one of the butts to any FGC joke, and yet they still leave his text on as an example on how to "properly" use a character.

Blanka is one of the most underused characters in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Some would even say he gets a bad rep as one of the worst characters in the game. However, Blanka is not without his share of combos, cross-overs, tricks, ticks, and tactics that can get you lots of wins, even in a competitive tournament situation. Blanka has one of the best throws in the game, one of the fastest special moves in the game, and some of the best links leading into dizzies.

The drawback of all this, is that Blanka has a lot of bad matchups. Although at first you will undoubtedly get some wins, after someone plays you a few times, they will get used to your gimmicks and start to find ways around them. There are several characters in ST that straight-up counter most of the things that Blanka can use effectively, if they know it's coming. However, except at the very highest competitive levels of play, you will probably not ever run into someone who knows how to stop some of the tactics I will list below.

Please keep in mind, I will be adding to the work of R3ko, RWD and Crayfish, who have already laid out the groundwork for this guide. I'll be adding my own personal strategies and the combos/links I've found most effective in competitive play.
Blanka’s ball if great for closing the gap, you can even roll up and throw and from certain ranges, using LP and MP balls.

Blanka is one of the best throwers in the game, and is extremely good at countering tick throws with his own.

Alot of people worry about other characters body torpedo moves when playing with Blanka. j.LK beats them clean. Jump back LK, repeat is a safe, easy deterant against the threat of psychocrushers and Honda headbutts. Especially good when your ahead on energy.

DSP EDIT: Here's a few miscellaneous things from me: -Blanka's jab ball is GREAT for spacing and advancing. It's quick, it's safe as long as it's not close enough to be blocked (in the respect that if your opponent tries to do something, they will probably trade with a special move and lose the trade), and it leads into a lot of throw/footsie setups.

-Blanka has a ridiculously damaging throw. Use it at every opportunity.

-Blanka's HP ball is RIDICULOUSLY fast. You can use it as a counter-hit move in a surprising amount of situations, most notably when somebody is trying to walk up and sweep you, or sometimes even right at the start of the match (it will hit if the opponent does anything BUT just block).

-Jumping LK will beat most advancing moves, including the sumo headbutt, leg scissors, etc. However, it will sometimes randomly trade with the flaming torpedo (And you will definitely be the loser in that trade).

--r3ko and DarksydePhil
The leap is a valuble tool which is often over looked, most people would attribute it to only really setting up throw and combo setups (which will explained in later sections.). The leap also makes Blanka a very nimble character, able to move back and forth across the screen more easily than most other characters, while building super meter the entire time.

Don't forget that there is little bit of invincibility at the start of the leap which will help you to avoid low attacks and even get out of SPDs since when you leap, you're off the ground. So if Zangief lands a meaty c.LK, you can leap backwards out of it making his SPD whiff. CHEAP!

You can bait attacks with it, by leaping backwards at close range, and countering with a slide or c.HP or c.HK or even ball (if you were charging during the backdash).

You can use it effectively to close the gap after knockdowns if you don’t have a charge ready, so you can start a meaty or cross up.

Leaping forward in to throw range out of blue or off a c.MK can take your opponent by suspise, giving you a throw/headbutt/tick/combo.

DSP EDIT: Let me give you an example of some of the best times to use the leap, and the setups it leads to:

-You walk up to your opponent, do a blocked low medium kick, and buffer it into the leap. Your opponent has a SLIGHT frame advantage here - if they were expecting the leap, they can usually do a quick jab or short before the leap finishes, knocking you away. But if you don't use this too much, and they're not expecting it, you have several options. Primarily you can throw them instantly after the leap ends, for MASSIVE damage. Or, you can go for another crouching MK, possibly comboed into another one, or a Blanka ball. The safest option is the kick, but chances are you will probably be successful with the throw if they weren't expecting the leap.

-Another great opportunity for the leap is during a blocked crossup string. Let's say, for example, you cross up the opponent with j.LK, standing MP, crouching MK. Since they blocked the string, you're probably stuck. Not so! Buffer a leap off of that crouching MK and then either throw or do another crouching MK. For variety, the next time you face a blocked crossup string, buffer the leap off of the MP instead of doing the crouching MK. By not doing the same leap tactics over and over, you can mix it up and surprise your opponent for big damage.
Basic, retarded, fun - like Dhalsim's bullshit only a bit easier to escape.

Blanka's bite range is simply sick, I think its actually larger than Sim's, but anyway... generally j.LK or early j.HP tick into bite does wonders if not abused too much.

Once you land throw you can do the following:

- j.LK > throw again xx repeat - this is obvious to get out of, but its one of those things that works because Blanka is so fast, even if you only get a second set of bites, damage is damage. BE CAREFUL, depending on where you are and where your opponent lands, you want to be sure that your j.LK is MEATY and the opponent does not have an opportunity to use a Shoryuken or other anti-air.

-j.LK > MP > throw – MP ticks nicely into throw, but you have to be close enough.....if not, you'll get standing HP. Still safe, but you wanted that throw!

-j.LK > MP > leap > throw - You can even add a leap in here which if you're close enough, will cross up. You don’t necessarily have to go into a throw, a combo or a tick could be a better option.

-j.LK > x-over j.LK > combo attempt - the second c.LK should crossover when your at mid-screen so make them feel the rage (rawh!)... you also have the option of repeated j.LK's if the first crossover attempt doesn't hit.

-Slide - hilarious, but it works, people get so paranoid over the j.LK and trying to stop it they forget Blanka can just low knockdown them and start crossover ball fun again. You can also mix this up with c.HK since it is a bit faster.

-Leap forward twice to crossup > throw/combo – this can be quite useful against characters which don’t have reversals.

DSP EDIT: One of the most effective strategies, I have found, is what to do AFTER a successful throw. Basically, if you finish the bite, you land before your opponent does. When your opponent is landing, try to do a meaty crouching FP. Depending on where you were when you landed (in the corner, midscreen, etc) the FP will either whiff, or they will block it. If it whiffs, oh well, you were too far away to do the setup so just chill out. If they block it but their body does not move at all, you are probably too close to do the throw setup I am about to explain. BUT, in about 50% of the time, the opponent will be pushed just slightly back from the blocked crouching FP. THAT is your opportunity: immediately do a jab horizontal ball when you recover from the FP. It will advance you forward JUST ENOUGH to land perfectly in front of your opponent WITHOUT having them block the ball. They will undoubtedly try to block the ball, because they fear eating it, and this leaves them WIDE OPEN for you to land in front of them and get a second bite! CONGRATULATIONS, you've just done about 50% damage in only 2 moves! In addition, after the second throw you can try to do the same thing again, or you can walk forward and try to buffer into leap setups, or you can try to crossup. It's your ballgame.
These strats go hand in hand:

Whenever a slide, c.HK or vertical ball connects - you get a free attempt to do crossover horizontal balls... unfortunatly, your going to have to work out yourself which balls to use as the whole thing is dependant on where you are on the screen and how deep the attack you used connected - this is something you get a feel for in time and isn't too hard to work out in a heated battle.

Before we go into the crossover fun, remember Blanka can also do the following on a fallen opponent:

Forward Beast Leap > meaty f.MP (the headbutt) - the headbutt hits twice and people seem to forget the second hit is low and eat it everytime... ghetto!

Forward Beast Leap > j.LK > Bite Loop - oh bite loops, how I love thee...

Forward Beast Leap > j.LK > x-over j.LK > combo attempt or repeat j.LK's until it hits or your hit - more crossover j.LK fun... told you it was a good attack ^_^

Slide - funny how the most basic of meatys does a fantastic job, gotta love the paranoia of air Blanka people have that they forget about the lows.

Anyway, back to the crossover balls - once you get the feel for it, you can start doing the following:

Crossover ball > combo attempt - It should dizzy all the cast (except maybe Gief) since you alright got a hit in prior, but ST hates people so this won't be the case all the time

Crossover Ball > forward/back MP - for times when you simply can't be bothered to combo, say hello to that headbutt again

Crossover Ball > MP or HP Electricity - what? you think those CvS2 whores made this famous? Bah, Blanka is too ghetto for that game, anyway, Electricity overall sucks but at least you can get some chip damage this way, don't use the LP version, learn how to mash like a man and use MP or HP only. Always be charging for another horizontal ball when doing this, if the electricity hits the opponent, you can do MP vertical ball to crossover then electricity again... repeat until the opponent blocks it

DSP EDIT: I rarely go for crossover balls, just because if I screw up and the opponent blocks it, you are now wide open for a variety of damaging attacks.
When an opponent is getting up its fairly safe to chip with meaty Electricity. But it is also possible to time the early electricity so it finishes JUST before the opponent gets to thier feet, you can then simply puch towards + HP for a bite. Because electricity has almost 0 recovery this is really hard for the opponent to judge, and never fails to provoke a smile or sigh from the recipient :)

DSP EDIT: NOTE: The only time I ever use electricity just to CHIP, is when I knock down an opponent, and quickly do a ball to get behind them, and THEN activate electricity. However, this usually isn't a good idea since you can mess up the spacing of the ball/elec and end up getting swept. Also, blocked electricity only hits 1-2 times and doesn't do much chip in ST.
Whiffing LP Ball for close range and MP Ball for medium range, you can stop directly infront of a high/low blocking opponent and seemlesly switch into a Bite or c.HK before the opponent has time to respond. Great tactic, really underused.

DSP NOTE: This is exactly what I described above in the bite loop section, because the whiffed horizontal ball leads into a bite loop strategy.
DSP EDIT: Since I've played Blanka in many major tournaments, including nationals, I'll first list the combos I've found most useful, then I'll let my colleage go along with his unedited list:

-Jump RH, c.MK, FP ball

-Crossover J.LK, c.MK, c.MK, FP ball

-Crossover J.Lk, stand MP, Crouch MK, buffer into leap and then try to throw or another c.MK

-Crossover J.LK, stand MP, cancel into throw

Now for the rest, I can't confirm all of these work since I usually only use the ones listed above:

j.HP > MP > HP

j.MP xx mp electric

j.HP/HK > c.HK

j.HP/HK > c.MK/Heabutt(1-hit) xx Ball

j.MK > c.MK > c.MK xx Ball

X-over LK > MP > Headbutt - this one gets alot of dizzies and is very easy

X-over LK > c.MK > MP > Headbutt

X-over LK > c.MK > c.MK xx Ball

c.HK knockdown in corner > Super > c.MK xx Ball

j.HP,s.MP,c.HK. This is the bread and butter for Blanka in ST because it gives him a the vital knockdown at the finish and also because in ST (unlinke CPS1 versions) your not guarenteed a dizzy from the HP finish variant of this combo.

Killer 4 hit (works on surprising amount of charas): Deep Crossover HP,s.MP.s.MP,c.HP

Long range 2 hit (especialy useful against Low Tiger Sagat): Max range Jump in late HK,c.HP

--r3ko and DarksydePhil
Some rando on KF supposedly bought Kat's sister Jenna's sex services and posted about it on KF. Josh got triggered, some literal who got offended enough to leave KF forever, and the whole thing is... well, it is. The fun starts on page 260 of the Kat Speculation thread (not archiving pages of shit this time, because archive.md is being fail right now).







