He is definitely autistic as fuck but he also displayed clear signs of psychosis, extreme narcissism and other issues. I would go so far as to say it's possible that Chris was a slightly autistic, hugely inept psychopath.
He was always scheming, always trying to manipulate people into giving him his way, take for example the PaRappa The Rappa contest or the Guitar Hero contests that he lost. He tried, very incompetently, to manipulate the people running those contests into changing their minds with letter campaigns, video essays, and calls to action for his followers to support him. It goes beyond an autistic meltdown at not getting the expected outcome and into the territory of a calculated (poorly calculated but still.. a scheme's a scheme) attempt to subvert the people around him who were better than him. Classic psychopath. He has no empathy, but pretends to, but because he's autistic as fuck also he sucks at it. He doesn't care about hurting other people, other people are obstacles to what he wants, he doesn't care or even understand that if he got his way not only would those people feel how he feels but on top of that feel even worse having had their achievement taken away from them. He didn't care about that.
Chris has been a victim of a lot of shit, but the reality is that if he were capable of it, he'd have victimized other people just as much or more; he's just a buffoon who wants to, tries to, but just can't seem to make it go his way.