BanyaBat: this channel uploads RedLetterMedia commentary tracks.
Billy Smolder: short reviews on venture bros.
Blooms: uploads a lot about South park, few commentary community vids.
Coffeehouse Crime: as the channel name suggests they do 20 to 30 min docs on true crime in that deeply concerned tone.
Crime Circus: a true crime and JCS-inspired channel.
Dire Trip: this channel also does true crime, i found it via the otaku murderer doc.
Director's Commentary: uploads director commentary from films and DVD & BluRay extras.
dreading crime and psychology: again as the channel name suggests they cover true crime and psychology.
E;R: uploads satirical "reviews" with great editing and wit.
Gingy: does in-depth series retrospectives on various games.
J's Reviews: reviews cartoons.
James Somerton: uploads long video essays on Hollywoods' hidden and not-so-hidden gay history.
JCS inspired: as the name states they are a JCS-style channel focusing on criminal interviews.
Johnny 2 Cellos: cartoon reviewer.
Lost Extras: uploads DVD extras.
M.B. archives: channel uploads director commentaries.
Media Mementos: cartoon reviews.
Movie Timelines: channel used to only do horror timelines but now focuses on all genres.
Nick930: very in-depth retrospectives that cover an entire game series.
okfinebethatway: uploaded a documentary on Game dude and a review of every Moral Orel episode.
ramboraph4life: made a thread for him here, he is like an unironic AVGN & Doug Walker combined.
Red Tree Crime: JCS-inspired and true crime content.
S.K.: channel uploads reviews where they critique marvel as if it is cinema in between replying to MauLer and EFAP as if they know anything about cinema beyond mainstream shite.
Skyjacker28: Reuploads documentaries.
Slobbermutt Archives: MATI archives.
Stoned Gremlin Productions: movie reviews.
Stranger Stories: JCS-inspired content.
The Always Sunny Podcast: the cast of the show relive their glory days.
The King Of Sting: uploads kino shitting on kino casino, Godwinson, andy, and so on.
The Little Platoon: outrage-focused videos, cries over SJWs, and woke culture.
The Vile Eye: reviews and ranks evil characters in film books and anime.
The Almighty Loli: anime reviews.
TheRealJims: uploads Simpson reviews and character analysis.
Wendigoon: documentary-length vids and iceberg vids.
YMS: reviews movies.
Two Left Thumbs: film reviews.
10k productions: uploads "i review every" style vids.
Acolytes Of Horror: video essays.
All Fuzzed Out: JCS Inspired content.
ArTorr: does reviews on star wars movies and cartoons.
bernievidz: very diverse channel, has a doc on lowtax and SA, one on Kurt Cobain, one where he reviews Beavis and butthead.
Bess: uploads video essays on Higurashi VN and anime.
Bo Burnham: he uploads his stand-up comedy here often.
Bonto Max: lolcow clips, Godwinson archives, and Jahans.
BREADSWORD: video essays, sometimes he covers anime.
Cinema Voice: director commentary.
Clever Dick Films: uploads documentary-length in-depth retrospectives on Dr. Who.
Commentary Central: channel uploads south park commentaries.
Congrats Bro: video essays and retrospectives.
Debunk File: does vids on 4chan.
Dusk Till Shawn: cartoon reviews.
Dylan the Knight Owl: channel uploads icebergs, docs on lolcows, and the AVGN.
eddache: random reviews.
Emperor Lemon: documentaries.
Experiment 53: documentary-length videos on serial killers.
Explore With Us: JCS-inspired content.
Flavio De Feo: documentary on Steve O of jackass infamy and Andrew W.K.
Gahoole: movie reviews.
Godwinson: kino.
Gross John: video essays.
Haunted Autopsy: true crime docs.
HORROR CULTURE: a great newer channel, that covers horror.
In Praise of Shadows: in-depth video essays and analysis, covers H.P. Lovecraft he makes sure to condemn him.
JCS Criminal Psychology: criminal interviews and body language analysis.
Joon The King: docs on commentary community figures.
JustJargon: Down the rabbit hole style docs on lolcows.
LetsCrashThisParade: aussie movie reviewer.
Lone Wolfe Media: horror retrospectives.
LSMark: cartoon reviews, does "i review every" type videos.
Macabre Storytelling: movie reviews & video essays, lol troon.
Matt Draper: reviews & retrospectives.
Media Buzzkill: video essays on gay-baiting.
MICStudiosyt: uploads power scale videos on King of the hill characters, anti lolicon.
milatequila: leftist breadtube video essays.
MisterChess: uploads everything Bobby Fischer-related.
Mr Snowflake: did a doc on RLM shift into making docs on lolcows ALR and Chantal.
Jikd4: imageboard lore, has a thread here.
Negi Springfield: @Negi Springfield has an account here he makes vids on cults.
Oliver Harper: reviews and retrospectives.
Porsalin: lore videos on comedians and MDE.
Rowan J Coleman: in-depth documentary-length retrospectives on star trek.
Ross McIntyre: video essays and reviews.
SlipMaker: does reviews and retrospectives on entire TV series.
Stevem: in-depth anime reviews.
Story Street: reviews and "I review every" type of content.
Studio Ersatz: eclectic content, reviews analysis.
Style is Substance: great in-depth breakdowns and reviews.
The Christian Show 19: cartoon reviews, "I review every" type of content. (did a great doc on mr anime)
Billy Smolder: short reviews on venture bros.
Blooms: uploads a lot about South park, few commentary community vids.
Coffeehouse Crime: as the channel name suggests they do 20 to 30 min docs on true crime in that deeply concerned tone.
Crime Circus: a true crime and JCS-inspired channel.
Dire Trip: this channel also does true crime, i found it via the otaku murderer doc.
Director's Commentary: uploads director commentary from films and DVD & BluRay extras.
dreading crime and psychology: again as the channel name suggests they cover true crime and psychology.
E;R: uploads satirical "reviews" with great editing and wit.
Gingy: does in-depth series retrospectives on various games.
J's Reviews: reviews cartoons.
James Somerton: uploads long video essays on Hollywoods' hidden and not-so-hidden gay history.
JCS inspired: as the name states they are a JCS-style channel focusing on criminal interviews.
Johnny 2 Cellos: cartoon reviewer.
Lost Extras: uploads DVD extras.
M.B. archives: channel uploads director commentaries.
Media Mementos: cartoon reviews.
Movie Timelines: channel used to only do horror timelines but now focuses on all genres.
Nick930: very in-depth retrospectives that cover an entire game series.
okfinebethatway: uploaded a documentary on Game dude and a review of every Moral Orel episode.
ramboraph4life: made a thread for him here, he is like an unironic AVGN & Doug Walker combined.
Red Tree Crime: JCS-inspired and true crime content.
S.K.: channel uploads reviews where they critique marvel as if it is cinema in between replying to MauLer and EFAP as if they know anything about cinema beyond mainstream shite.
Skyjacker28: Reuploads documentaries.
Slobbermutt Archives: MATI archives.
Stoned Gremlin Productions: movie reviews.
Stranger Stories: JCS-inspired content.
The Always Sunny Podcast: the cast of the show relive their glory days.
The King Of Sting: uploads kino shitting on kino casino, Godwinson, andy, and so on.
The Little Platoon: outrage-focused videos, cries over SJWs, and woke culture.
The Vile Eye: reviews and ranks evil characters in film books and anime.
The Almighty Loli: anime reviews.
TheRealJims: uploads Simpson reviews and character analysis.
Wendigoon: documentary-length vids and iceberg vids.
YMS: reviews movies.
Two Left Thumbs: film reviews.
10k productions: uploads "i review every" style vids.
Acolytes Of Horror: video essays.
All Fuzzed Out: JCS Inspired content.
ArTorr: does reviews on star wars movies and cartoons.
bernievidz: very diverse channel, has a doc on lowtax and SA, one on Kurt Cobain, one where he reviews Beavis and butthead.
Bess: uploads video essays on Higurashi VN and anime.
Bo Burnham: he uploads his stand-up comedy here often.
Bonto Max: lolcow clips, Godwinson archives, and Jahans.
BREADSWORD: video essays, sometimes he covers anime.
Cinema Voice: director commentary.
Clever Dick Films: uploads documentary-length in-depth retrospectives on Dr. Who.
Commentary Central: channel uploads south park commentaries.
Congrats Bro: video essays and retrospectives.
Debunk File: does vids on 4chan.
Dusk Till Shawn: cartoon reviews.
Dylan the Knight Owl: channel uploads icebergs, docs on lolcows, and the AVGN.
eddache: random reviews.
Emperor Lemon: documentaries.
Experiment 53: documentary-length videos on serial killers.
Explore With Us: JCS-inspired content.
Flavio De Feo: documentary on Steve O of jackass infamy and Andrew W.K.
Gahoole: movie reviews.
Godwinson: kino.
Gross John: video essays.
Haunted Autopsy: true crime docs.
HORROR CULTURE: a great newer channel, that covers horror.
In Praise of Shadows: in-depth video essays and analysis, covers H.P. Lovecraft he makes sure to condemn him.
JCS Criminal Psychology: criminal interviews and body language analysis.
Joon The King: docs on commentary community figures.
JustJargon: Down the rabbit hole style docs on lolcows.
LetsCrashThisParade: aussie movie reviewer.
Lone Wolfe Media: horror retrospectives.
LSMark: cartoon reviews, does "i review every" type videos.
Macabre Storytelling: movie reviews & video essays, lol troon.
Matt Draper: reviews & retrospectives.
Media Buzzkill: video essays on gay-baiting.
MICStudiosyt: uploads power scale videos on King of the hill characters, anti lolicon.
milatequila: leftist breadtube video essays.
MisterChess: uploads everything Bobby Fischer-related.
Mr Snowflake: did a doc on RLM shift into making docs on lolcows ALR and Chantal.
Jikd4: imageboard lore, has a thread here.
Negi Springfield: @Negi Springfield has an account here he makes vids on cults.
Oliver Harper: reviews and retrospectives.
Porsalin: lore videos on comedians and MDE.
Rowan J Coleman: in-depth documentary-length retrospectives on star trek.
Ross McIntyre: video essays and reviews.
SlipMaker: does reviews and retrospectives on entire TV series.
Stevem: in-depth anime reviews.
Story Street: reviews and "I review every" type of content.
Studio Ersatz: eclectic content, reviews analysis.
Style is Substance: great in-depth breakdowns and reviews.
The Christian Show 19: cartoon reviews, "I review every" type of content. (did a great doc on mr anime)