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House Rules

Started by Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, Sep 13, 2024, 11:40 PM

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Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

The administrator reserves the right to make changes at any time with or without notice that he considers to be in the best interests of the forum.

Don't post or link to any content that is illegal under United States law. Do not advocate activity that is illegal such as rioting, planning to physically harm someone, illegal drug use or sexual activity with an underage person.

Vigorous debate and discussion of ideas is welcomed. We discuss politics and celebrities. But keep it civil. Racist or bigoted terminology such as the n-word or other such terminology is not accepted here.

Do not report people for differences of opinion: We accept all walks of life here. Both a far-left leaning democrat and an arch-conservative MAGA Republican should be able to sit at the table and discuss the subjects in a civil manner. Your political beliefs, personal philosophy and so forth are your own.

If you see something that you feel needs the attention of staff, report it to one of the moderators and then let them handle the matter. Do not take it upon yourself to be a defacto moderator(aka backseat moderating)and try to control other people's opinions or discussion. This is strictly prohibited.

If you have a personal conflict with someone on the forum that you can't resolve, put them on ignore. If you need to discuss issues with someone do it privately. Staff will respond if there are legitimate serious threats that require intervention.

If you are new here it is best to lurk and observe the environment before posting. There is no penalty for this.

Protect your privacy when registering. We would suggest a username that you have never used before. We would suggest signing up with a secure e-mail address such as proton mail. We ask you to refrain from vulgar, sexually explicit or bigoted usernames.

Do not use Onionfarms.online as your personal army against someone because of their personal beliefs. Do not threaten to "out" or expose someone because their viewpoints differ from yours. Do not advocate harassment, bullying or mobbing outside the forum. Any attempt at trying to dox someone is grounds for being banned.

You may post material that is specifically intended for the general public such as media sites, public Facebook pages, tweets, Tumblr posts and so forth. However, be sure to have a link back to the source. Gossip from fan sites such as Perezhilton.com is also okay.

People of interest are subjects for discussion and speculation, not harassment or stalking.

Do not post the personal dox of anyone (regardless of them being a member or a person of interest). No personal residence addresses, no phone numbers, or pictures of their houses or list their place of employment unless it is a matter of public record that has been reported in the media.
Official dox such as an official contact address publicly listed or the address of an official fan club club or public social media pages such as a public Facebook page can be listed freely.

Do not register an account that is intended to impersonate staff, another member or a person of interest being discussed on the forum.

This is a general public forum not a lolcow forum. Whether you are under 18 or over 18 when you register please follow the rules like everyone else. Please note, the minimum age for registration is 13 (the same as x.com). People from lolcow forums such as Kiwifarms are welcome like anyone else but please respect the culture of the forum. Don't try to turn this into something that it's not.

One account per person is allowed. If you made multiple accounts before this revision, I will merge them together without prejudice. Do not use multiple accounts to ban evade, or you will risk a longer ban.

If you feel you were unfairly banned, talk to staff about the possibility of being let back in.

Do not rant about how you wish to inflict bodily harm on a person of interest or make exaggerated rants on how wicked and evil they are (A-Logging).

Most importantly: Relax, enjoy the forum and have fun.